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Lieberman: No Peace with the PA Anytime Soon

liebForeign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told participants in the Sderot Conference that it is impossible for Israel to achieve true peace with the PA (Palestinian Authority) anytime in the near future. He explained that the situation has been deteriorating since the signing of the Oslo Agreement two decades ago.

Addressing the conference audience on Wednesday, 17 Kislev 5773, the foreign minister explained that the efforts by the international community will not succeed in achieving peace with the PA. Lieberman posits that before a diplomatic agreement can be signed Israel’s security issues must be resolved and a PA economy must be created. Only after these steps are taken in this order can a diplomatic agreement be signed. He stressed the process must take place in this order.

“Who does Abu Mazen represent? I still don’t understand that. He doesn’t represent the residents of Gaza. He lost the parliamentary elections to Hamas. The presidential elections have been postponed for three-and-a-half years because he’s afraid of losing,” the foreign minister added.

It should be pointed out that PA autonomous areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron only represent about 40% of the so-called Palestinian People with the remaining 60% residing in Gaza. Hence a deal with Abu Mazen would not compel the majority of the Palestinians to comply with it.

“Not through the Quartet or the UN Security Council. We can talk seriously about a political settlement with the Palestinians when their per capita GNP reaches $10,000 — not a day before that. All other talk is detached from reality.”

Lieberman emphatically denies the disagreement between Israel and the PA is over land and territory. He stated that agreements were signed with Egypt and Jordan and the yishuvim were not a stumbling block to peace yet after uprooting the Jewish communities of Gaza all Israel received in return was rocket fire.

Lieberman added that despite PA claims to the contrary, from a historical viewpoint there was never a territorial or familial connection between Yehuda and Shomron and Gaza.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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