It was another calm day in Knesset as MK Rabbi Yaakov Litzman’s bill seeking to make discrimination against chareidim illegal was defeated in a 43-11 vote.
Litzman’s bill was intended to add discrimination against chareidim to the nation’s penal law which prohibits racism and discrimination. His bill was up for a preliminary vote and it was defeated. Litzman cited the frequent discrimination against chareidim in the workplace, but to no avail as the bill was voted down.
Litzman stated “Minister Lapid said he never wants a picture of someone with a beard. No he barely enjoys 15% approval rating. I encountered this a great deal as deputy health minister. If only a small portion of what is being directed against chareidim was directed at the Arab sector the entire nation would be up in arms. Banning chareidim from the coalition stems from pure racism!”
Responding on behalf of the government was Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovich who stated “It appears the bill was only intended as entertainment. Whatever the case, the cabinet is opposed.”
As Litzman addressed the plenum and this was met with the standard shouts and interruptions. One of the MKs who was attacking Litzman’s words was Yesh Atid’s Rabbi Dov Lipman, prompting Litzman to respond “You should be ashamed of being aligned with Lapid”.
Litzman nevertheless accused Yair Lapid of discrimination and the fact that he did not want any ministers with beards in his coalition. Lipman came to his party leader’s defense against Litzman. Litzman then directed his remarks at Yesh Atid members, stating they are afraid to lift a finger against the word of Lapid since they know if they do they will be tossed out in a moment, mocking the so-called democracy that exists in the Yesh Atid party.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
7 Responses
And what constitutes “discrimination” here? Having a coalition which does not include their Parties. In other words, they would have to be given the power of Kingmakers no matter what.
Discrimination against charedim is already illegal, according to the laws of the goyish medina.
He should’ve tried passing a law discriminating against gays. That would pass in a heartbeat. What a bunch of hypocrits.
Regardless of individual opinions on the matter, the simple fact is that zionism has from its inception sought to displace Jewish religious identity with a national identity (ala the other nations of the world). Religious identity was thus seen not only as competition for the hearts and minds of the Jewish people but also as the primary OBSTACLE to rebranding Jews as a “modern” nation on the European model. Simply put, zionism has always seen the religion as its enemy. That the state refuses to outlaw discrimination against chareidim is hardly suprising: after all, how can you NOT discriminate against your enemy?
Lipman–al shem he pays lip service to the Torah.
If this doesn’t show the hypocrisy and anti-Semitism of the Left, I don’t know what does.
Lipmann or Dov Lipman, definitely not Rabbi
Can you imagine the Reichstag considering a law against discrimination against Jews in 1933?????
However the point is well taken. A hareidi in the State of Israel is in a status similar to a Jew in Germany in 1933, or an African American in the American south under Jim Crow, or a Jew under Islam prior to 1914 (well, the latter cases is questionable, since the Muslims really didn’t object to Torah as long as Jews were sufficiently defferential and accepted Muslim control of the government).