Report: Rabbi Metzger Says His Arrest ‘Is Going To Bring The Institute Of The Rabbonus’

metzgerPersons close to former Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger are angry and confused, questioning why a court felt the need to extend the rabbi’s remand as the investigation against him continues.

Some close family members heard of the remand via the media and they were shocked, reminded the rabbi was incarcerated at the time of his first arrest in the summer. Family members and close associates are very concerned for the rav’s well-being during this difficult ordeal.

One person close to Rabbi Metzger quoted anonymously by Kikar adds his concerns over the impact on the office of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. He is quoted saying “the personal issue is of less concern. This ordeal is going to bring the institute of the rabbonus, the Chief Rabbinate and religion down in the eyes of Israelis.” The associate expresses his pain and concern over comments including “what do you expect; the entire Chief Rabbinate is corrupt”.

Rabbi Metzger was arrested this week following months of investigating against him. He faces accusations of accepting bribes, money laundering and other white collar crimes amounting to “millions of shekels” according to police investigators.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Why would the comments be a surprise. Let’s examine the circumstances when the typical non-charedi Israeli need to interact with the Rabbinate.

    1. To get married. Is this corrupt? Well, the Rabbonim make them crazy and then take money to be Mesader Kiddushin when they are not allowed to in many cases

    2. When someone dies. Is this a painless experience? I don’t know, Boruch Hashem, but people tell me it’s the same as a wedding

    3. For a Divorce. How long does it take the Rabbanut to free and Agunah?

    4. For Kashrus. How many Rabbonim say the Rabbanut hechaher is not good enough and then charge for providing a “better one”.

    5. For Geirus. I don’t think any comment is necessary.

    What we are seeing is lack of self policing in many areas of Yiddishkeit. Let this be a lesson, if we don’t clean up our problems it will be much worse when others come and “help” us clean up.

  2. I hope that Rav Metzger shlita has access to a Minjan where he is being held, so that his mother’s Neshomo doesn’t suffer from his preclusion to recite Kaddish & lead services, for her.

  3. “This ordeal is going to bring the institute of the rabbonus, the Chief Rabbinate and religion down in the eyes of Israelis”

    Only “this ordeal”?

    The “rabbuunis” has done a more than excellent job at “bringing down” these past 60 years. In fact, the greatest impediment to the thsuva movement today is the religious establishment. You will make baalei tshuva by setting an example that people will want to follow. Organized orthodoxy in all its forms is today doing the exact opposite. They knew about this guy before he was elected so who pushed him in? And why?

  4. He was also involved in a scnadal before he became chief rabbi. He was charging large sums to perform marriages that were supposed to be a free service. Also, in some cases, his driver performed the ceremony.
    I believe the outcome of that scandal was his agreement not to run for chief rabbi of Tel Aviv.

  5. ami, i agree with most of your points, but why shouldn’t a Kashrus organisation charge for a better one. Anyway, i think the new Chief Rabbis have their work cut out for them. The rule is where there is money there is a very strong yeitzer hara and who knows if we would be better?

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