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Why Did Maran R’ Chaim Remain Awake All Night?

kannThere was some concern on Sunday night, the eve of 15 Kislev 5774 when it became apparent that HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita was not going to sleep on schedule.

After trying to hint that the hour was late, the rav was finally asked if everything was okay. The Torah giant answered “I have to complete learning the entire Meseches כלה רבתי”. The rav explained that since he is aware that during the day there are so many interruptions from people seeking a bracha or advice, he will not be able to learn without interruption. Hence he decided it has to be done during the night. He remained awake during the night completing the entire mesechta. According to the Kikar report, the rav completed his limudim of the entire mesechta in time for his neitz shachris minyan.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. And bear in mind, this year is an ibbur year in which Rav Chaim usually finishes his entire machzor of learning kol hatorah kulah a month early and then uses that extra month to write a sefer. He puts out a new sefer every ibbur yor.

  2. FYI, מסכת כלה רבתי is entirely four dafim (eight pages).
    Shouldn’t take anyone more then an hour, certainly not R’Chaim.

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