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Mayor-Elect DeBlasio Gets Advice From New Yorkers

debMayor-elect Bill de Blasio has been getting some new ideas for New York City from residents offering their opinions on what he should do on everything from schools and health care to affordable food.

It’s part of a project called “Talking Transition,” a two-week initiative sponsored by ten foundations to collect possible solutions or innovations for New Yorkers’ needs. Visitors to the tent on Canal Street and Sixth Avenue on Sunday included the co-chairs of de Blasio’s transition team, Jennifer Jones Austin and Carl Weisbrod.

The ideas submitted by New Yorkers “will help shape and inform the mayor’s agenda, it’ll deepen his vision and his thinking,” Austin said. “And so, we’re excited about receiving the data and putting it to good use.”

Added Weisbrod: “One of the great advantages of this is that it elicits the views of so many New Yorkers, it enables the new administration to get some more nuanced views of what citizens are thinking about.”

Among those submitting ideas was Taireina Gilbert, member of a group called Farm School NYC, an organization that plants produce cheaper than what’s in city supermarkets.

Her note read: “Support for small community owned business!”


2 Responses

  1. He will consider proposals that help to promote the radical liberal cause.
    Anything proposed that conflicts with his radical liberalism will just go in one ear and out the other.

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