Shaked: Most PA Arabs Will Become Jordanian Citizens

jordanMK (Bayit Yehudi) Yael Shaked met with supporters of Israel in Washington. She addressed the current diplomatic efforts with the PA as well as the Iranian threat.

She explained to supporters that in her short life, her home community of Tel Aviv was targeted with rockets twice in addition to suicide bombing attacks that left hundreds of dead and wounded. “You must be asking yourselves why I am crazy and continue to live in this place,” she added, then quoting from the Declaration of Independence which addresses Jewish identity in Israel.

She cited “our connection to the State of Israel is our connection to our roots and what is called our identity”.

Shaked warns the recent “delegitimization is the new anti-Semitism and that while diplomacy is preferable to war, bad diplomacy may lead to war.” She was loud and clear regarding Israel’s responsibilities and that placing the nation’s security in the hands of foreign nations is a non-starter.

Shaked expressed her opposition to the dialogue taking place today between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority), stating “Europe is trying to force Israel into land concessions to reach agreement, an agreement that Europe believes is right for the Mideast. “Such an agreement will only lead to a continuation of rocket fire into Israel, not just from Gaza but also from Kalkilye and Ramallah.

“In the distant future most of the Arabs residing in Yehuda and Shomron today will become Jordanian citizens and Gaza will become independent and annexed to Egypt. This is one of the realistic solutions to the problem” she added.

Regarding Iran, she stated “Don’t be fooled. No one is more interested than Israel in a quiet solution regarding the Iranian threat.

“In 1981 when the world was against us, we went our air force to bomb and destroy Sadaam Hussein’s nuclear reactor outside Baghdad and in 2007, it is alleged we did this in Syria. This was not done to earn a place in history but rather the result of our understanding of the responsibility on our shoulders. We acted as a beacon of light among the nations. We knew how to illuminate the world and we understood that which had to be done. We felt moral and security responsibilities not just towards ourselves but for the entire world.”

Her words were met with a resounding applause.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Our identity is, of course, tied to Hashem and His Torah, not, lihavdil, the state.

    How sad that a member of Israel’s “Parliament” publicly admits she is crazy for living there but does so anyways because, evidently, the Israeli Declaration of Independence is her Torah.

    The quote of shmad is, of course:
    “She cited “our connection to the State of Israel is our connection to our roots and what is called our identity”.

    This is straight shmad: redefining a Jew as a nationalist Israeli.

    And chanuka is coming up; how appropriate.

  2. I’m sure that some politician on the other side is explaining that his solution is for the Israelis to become citizens of the United States or the European Union, and that the realistic solution is for Israel to be annexed to (partitioned) between adjacent countries regardless of the wishes of its citizens. The reality is that the only path to peace involves giving up on zionism, and negotiations (which can now be done from a position of strength) leading to an autonomous Jewish community within a larger Islamic state – nothing else will ever be acceptable to the Muslims.

  3. Egypt ruled Gaza for most of the period from 1948 to 1967. It never annexed the area and never offered citizenship to the Palestinian Arabs there.

    Jordan ruled the West Bank from 1948 to 1967 and did make all the Palestinian Arabs there into Jordanian subjects. However, Jordan later renounced sovereignty over the area and stripped the Palestinian Arabs there of their Jordanian nationality.

    Basically, there is no real evidence that either Egypt or Jordan wants the Palestinian Arabs as citizens.

  4. Yeshiva world editors – her name is Ayelet Shaked, not Yael Shaked. If you can’t get basic facts like the knesset member’s name right how can we believe anything else that you write?

  5. Small: if someone that that shabbos or kashrus or shaatnez or any other mitzvah is their connection to their roots, would you have a problem? So her connection to her roots is yishuv eretz yisroel.

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