Don’t Cause Pirud [disunity] in Klal Yisroel

HaRav Chaim Kanievsky: (Photo: Shuki Lehrer)

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

It is unfortunate that the debate about vaccines for Covid-19 has caused great disunity in Klal Yisroel.  The solution, of course, is to listen to the Gadol HaDor- even if it appears to be against our gut feeling.

Rav Chatzkel Levenstein zt”l writes (Midos p. 130):  The yesod of Klal Yisroel is achdus.  Please spread this message and this video.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

11 Responses

  1. I don’t agree with the statement of the author. This is just further spreading pirud. There are gedolim on both sides of the spectrum.
    I agree not to spread pirud, but that is not accomplished by saying “listen to this side”. Rather, let’s all embrace shalom even if we have a difference of opinion.

  2. The gadol hadar was not then asked: “If you are choshesh that the government in your country is disintegrating into tyranny and are. Choshesh from the bottom of your heart that tyranny will lead to millions of deaths (Jewish and otherwise) in future holocausts… then are you mechuyav to take the vaccine?

  3. moron1234: it says in the Torah that there’s life and death, but uvocharto bachchayim. It’s not pirud, when there’s a choice, to tell people to choose life instead of death.

    Meuvas: If you’re “choshesh” that your neighbor is a devil worshipper, can you kill him? No, partly because you’re a meshugenah.

  4. I’m kind of amused or I should actually say befuddled.
    In the past, anytime Rav Chaim would pasken something the entire chareidi velt would proclaim the Gadol HaDor has spoken. And then, only ones who in chareidi velt that would disregard it would only be some radical chasidisher groups and Rav Aurbachs followers.
    Suddenly now even “regular yeshivish velt” have decided they and their local Rabonim can override HaRav Chaim. Because it serves their purposes.
    A new precedent!
    Now that this precedent of disregard for Daas Torah is in place, it will be very interesting to see over the next few years how will people react & respect a Gadol’s future psokim. Once this previous untouchable barrier has now been ignored!

  5. There is no right or wrong — only emes. Let us search for the emes with regard to these vaccines. Then there will be no disunity.

  6. I respect all Frum Yidden who have their opinions on the matter of vaccines.

    I merely have my own opinion on the issue just as many others now do.

  7. @RebbeYid: ROTFL, I know, right, we’ve lived here in Shushan/England/Spain/Portugal/Germany/America for so long already, our goyishe neighbors are our friends and we do so much business with them; we are so safe here…
    But you are actually hilarious, though; I meant the ROTFL sincerely.

  8. Can todays Rabbis and “Gedolei Hador” bring an Eglah Arufah and say Yadeino lo shafchu es hadam hazeh on all the corona dead??

    In new Zealand where masks and social distance were strictly adhered to there are 27 dead to date.

    Is it not a simple fact that thousands of people would still be alive had the “gedolei hador” shown by example the need to adhere to the doctors pleading about this instead of unfortunately showing by example the exact opposite?

  9. I respect everyone’s decision. The problem starts when these covid vaxxers want to force their own choices on others.

    Generally, whenever people want to force others to do what they want them to do, it means they are not completely secure with their own choices.

  10. The Dr. Zelenko Potient work for the past 75 years with no side affects.
    When we have that choice, every Rav or Doctor that is looking for the “emmes” will say DON’T VACCINATE, issur Gamur, you are a “roi’tzai’ach, R”L.

  11. False.. if one person is drilling a hole in the bottom of the ship
    will sink everyone and it is surely a proper to coerce the person stop
    that goes for vaccines and for almost everything
    we don’t believe in pluralism that each person is entitled to their own sense of their own views
    to fix this world we are supposed As much as is practical and pragmatic to be universally Coercive

    that is indeed part of our faith

    Here we go again..

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