The 5 Pronged Attack on Rabbi Bender and the 5 Towns Rabbis

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

There is a video circulating that is, essentially, attacking Rabbi Yaakov Bender of Yeshiva Darchei Torah.  The person doing the attacking, Rabbi E., is an eloquent and well-spoken talmid chochom.  The truth is that the video attacks pretty much all of the Five Towns Rabbis, but Rabbi Bender has been singled out.  The problem is that the Rabbi doing the attacking has made some very serious errors which can mislead the masses and Heaven forbid cause deaths, rachmana litzlan.  Indeed, all five prongs of the attack are wrong.



Rabbi E. points out is that Rabbi Bender made a mistake regarding the percentage of doctors who have been vaccinated.  The true AMA study showed that 96% of doctors have been vaccinated.  Rabbi Bender said that it was 99%.

I believe that Rabbi Bender did err slightly here in confusing two very different studies. One study was of doctors who were vaccinated (96%) and the second study was of current serious COVID victims who were unvaccinated (99%). Rabbi E. is correct in that Rabbi Bender confused the study that showed 99% of the current COVID victims were those who had not received the vaccine with the doctor study.  That’s right.  It is a fact that of all of the victims of COVID only 1 percent of them received the vaccine.  99% were unvaccinated.

Rabbi E. makes no mention of this statistic when he attacks Rabbi Bender.  This is disingenuous. It is clear that Rabbi Bender was thinking about this specific statistic when he used the number 99%.

It would actually be rather humorous if the underlying issues were not so serious and significant.  Rabbi E. is essentially saying, “Rabbi Bender, you misrepresented!  It’s only 96% not 99%!  So you are lying!”  But the statistic it came from is even more devastating to Rabbi E’s point.

Look at the victims. 99% of them did not vaccinate.  This actually makes the argument to vaccinate even stronger. To make the point even clearer let’s go to an analogy.


Imagine there is a software that analyzes your tax return with the goal of making sure that you do not get a tax audit.  The software is marketed all over the country and half of the country uses the software.    The results are compared with those who were actually audited by the IRS.

Of those who were audited, 99% of them did not use the software.  1% did use the software.  Would anyone in his right mind not use the software?

If we would certainly do this in regard to avoiding a tax audit why wouldn’t we do it to avoid severe illness or death?


Rabbi E’s next point is to say that the AMA study just surveyed its own members.  AMA members, he says, have already been indoctrinated.  He is claiming that the doctors were cherry-picked. This might have been a valid point if it was true.

Rabbi E., however, misrepresented this point.  The AMA just designed the survey.  They didn’t administer it.  It was given to WEBMD doctors – who do represent a broader cross-section of doctors.

WebMD is an American corporation which is an online publisher of news and information pertaining to human health and well-being. It also includes information pertaining to drugs. It is one of the top healthcare websites by unique visitors. It has nothing to do with the AMA. It was founded in 1998 by internet entrepreneur Jeff Arnold.

His second point, then, is an absolute misrepresentation.  Sadly, Rabbi E. is using his powerful eloquence to highlight a fabrication.  True, it could be that he missed the part about WEBMD when he read the study, but still, before you attack someone, do them the courtesy of double-checking your information.


Rabbi E also claims that there are one million doctors in the United States and that the study only surveyed 304 doctors, and 11 eleven were not vaccinated.  he claims that 304 is nothing compared to the amount of doctors in this country.

The truth is that there are 620,520 US MD’s in this country and that the number 304 from a statistical vantage point will produce a 95% confidence rate with a margin of error of 6%.  95% confidence rate is the standard usage.

You can check this out with a statistics expert.  Just ask any actuary.


Rabbi E. claims that Rabbi Bender’s use of the majority of doctors (96%) statistic is against the Mishnah Brurah and is actually a halachic error on his part.  Rabbi E. quotes the Mishna Brurah 618:11 that when you have 2 doctors saying that you should feed a specif sick person on Yom Kippur against 100 doctors who say not to feed that sick person on Yom Kippur, both groups are considered as equal and you do feed the sick person on Yom Kippur.  This is because of the principle of trei k’meah and that we do not follow a majority when it comes to Pikuach Nefesh.

Rabbi E’s point is against the Gemorah in Kesuvos which tells us that we are stringent when it comes to saving life and we do not follow percentages that tell us not to save life.

Thus, there is a vast, vast difference between the two cases.  In the Mishna Brurah’s case, there is no harm to the person if you end up feeding him food.  Here, however, the 96% are saying that it is dangerous not to vaccinate.

It is not just me that makes this point.  One of the leading Gedolim of the generation has made this point as well.  Rav Moshe Shternbuch shlita has written, “Even though there are some individual doctors who claim that the vaccine can damage the child, since the overwhelming majority of doctors hold that vaccines do not damage at all, we are not to follow the tiny fraction of a minority of doctors who claim that vaccines damage (even though in general in safek pikuach nefesh cases we do not follow the majority in cases of medical opinions as is explained in Shulchan Aruch OC 618:4).  Because here it is different in that if we follow the minority view, we are endangering others according to the majority view of the doctors. On the other hand, if we follow the view of the majority of doctors, we will be endangering people according to the view of the minority of doctors. In such a situation where on each side there is Pikuach Nefesh, we must certainly follow the majority. For the entire reason not to follow the majority is just in order to save life – and there is no “greater saving” here if we follow the minority view. Thus the halacha goes back to following the majority like in all other Torah cases where we follow the majority.”


In his third point, Rabbi E. lays the claim that all the studies regarding the vaccine for pregnant women are based upon only one study from the CDC.  He attacked the Rabbis for giving false medical advice and said that he hopes that they are prepared to face the consequences for this.

Yet, this point is also not true.  Way back in August, Dr. Ashley Roman from NYU published an article in the American Journal of Obstretrics & Gynecology – Maternal Fetal Medicine from his own institution.

According to the NYU website:  “Studies continue to reinforce the importance of vaccines during pregnancy and their power to protect two lives at once by preventing severe illness in both mothers and babies,” says Ashley S. Roman, MD, director of the Division of Maternal–Fetal Medicine and the Silverman Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at NYU Langone Health, and one of the study’s principal investigators. “If babies could be born with antibodies, it could protect them in the first several months of their lives, when they are most vulnerable.”

The CDC consistently asserted that vaccines should not be withheld from people who are pregnant and want the vaccine. Dr. Roman and colleagues confirm the strong evidence that the mRNA vaccines are safe during pregnancy in a study published August 16 in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology—Maternal–Fetal Medicine, titled “COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy: Early Experience from a Single Institution.” The study found no increased risks during pregnancy, birth complications, or identifiable risks to the fetus among those who received the vaccine.”


We can also ask, what about the babies?  In Brazil, 1300 babies died of COVID.  True, in America, it is much rarer in that only ¼ of one percent of babies get COVID, but why not give them the opportunity for antibodies too?  The NYU study showed that 100% of pregnant women that are vaccinated give their antibodies to their fetus.  Why not give it to them?


Let’s point out one more thought.  We all know someone or a few people who passed away from COVID. Rachmana litzlan.  I know of twelve.  But does anyone out there know of anyone who died from the vaccine?  I don’t.  Nor do I know anyone who knows someone who died from the vaccine.


The attack on Rabbi Bender and the other Rabbis is, plainly and simply, wrong.  All three of Rabbi E’s points are misrepresentations.  Rabbi E is a known antivaxxer who also testified against the measles vaccination at the State of Connecticut’s Public Health Committee.    Although this is conjecture, it is highly likely that had Rabbi E. been of age, he might also have tried to convince the world not to take the Polio vaccine.


The author can be reached at [email protected]


49 Responses

  1. The glaring omission from the push for vaccination is this: NOBODY is differentiating between the unvaccinated who recovered from Covid and have a natural immunity which is superior to the vaccine as many studies have shown and the runvaccinated who never had Covid and dont have any antibodies. Until this is acknowledged, any mandate for vaccination is suspect. If I already had covid, I don’t need a vaccvine. Dont tell me otherwise. And stop the bullying.

  2. אַל־תַּ֣עַן כְּ֭סִיל כְּאִוַּלְתּ֑וֹ
      פֶּֽן־תִּשְׁוֶה־לּ֥וֹ גַם־אָֽתָּה׃

  3. It is worth to see video of Rabbi E. to understand some missing and misrepresent points in this article. If you make arguments, please do not omit details. To attack any body is not nice at any case. Thank you Yeshiva World

  4. I don’t know why this author gets involved or why this is important to the Yeshivah World. The Five Town Rabonim have a long history of fighting over nothing. It seems this community diverts from real problems to make bigger problems over nothing.

  5. Kok hakovod to Rav Hoffman specifically, and YWN generally, for speaking out forcefully against this seemingly nonstop tirade of false and misleading statements to the tzibur about vaccinations. No, they are not perfect nor are they represented to be 100 percent effective. Yes, they have been irrefutably shown to substantially mitigate infection rates, mortality and morbidity from Covid as compared to non-vaccinated individuals. Parsing a few percentage points or invoking other possible unproven therapies or anecdotal experience only serves to sow confusion and may indirectly cause death or long-term illnesses.

  6. rabbi hoffman so u now gave an anti vaxer the publicity & stage that they crave, 99% of yw users did not here ” the attack”
    its not even an attack on rabbi bender … its an internal issue that most rabbonim in the five towns will honetly admit that they have no idea whats in the shot , good or bad . the 5 towns has many ehrlich frum docs who should sift thru the data and offer some guidance
    as in the famous phone meeting of the 5 towns rabonim pre covid ” leman hashalom we must all listen to rabbi glatt & billet

  7. Even Rabbi’s resort to propaganda?!

    So many flaws in this article.

    I personally know many people that have contracted covid after being fully vaccinated. The vaccine just doesn’t provide protection as advertised.

  8. I don’t know anything about this disagreement among the “5-Towns Rabbis”, but this presentation seems to indicate that the whole thing is childish and petty (including this presentation), and it’s rather embarrassing to any self-respecting Torah Yid. Please don’t air the 5-Towns’ dirty laundry in public, especially when you make it look like a bunch of childish Rabbonim ch”v nitpicking each other with “talking points”. Calling the disagreement “attacks” is also not helpful to the concept of “Talmidei Chachomim Marvin Shalom B’Olam”. Disagreement among Talmidei Chachomim is a necessary time-honored tradition, but not so regarding “attacks”.

  9. Rabbi E had an excellent class
    If u sent out a survey and got 300 responses from random doctors- out of hundreds of thousands of doctors, your survey results are worth less than toilet paper. There are many reasons many doctors would not want to reply. So to use that statistic (whether 96-99) to persuade others is plain evil. Other surveys have very very different results.
    Also there is serious corruption and conflict of interest in the medical industry and the foxes that guard them
    We all know this and see it more every day
    Fauci the head criminal himself belongs behind bars
    Engineered this mess and then puts himself lord of everything covid while he profits tremendously
    They’ve manipulated the country and politics to suit their desires and to help pharma milk this pandemic to the utmost

  10. “But does anyone out there know of anyone who died from the vaccine? I don’t. Nor do I know anyone who knows someone who died from the vaccine.” – That was a line that totally disvalues your entire article. If you would go onto the VAERS website where PEOPLE, not scientists, doctors, or government officials report deaths from the vaccines, you will find that the hospitals will cite cause of death as “heart attack” when in reality it was a result of the vaccine between 1-3 weeks after administration. Just because you personally don’t know anyone doesn’t discredit those reports of those who did, and your article only causes their family members more pain. Rabbis have no right to push a trial based vaccine on their tzibbur. They can encourage and recommend but not force. I know of a long time Rebbe at Darchei who had to leave his job because he didn’t want to get the vaccine (and risk the side effects of the micro blood clots causing heart attacks being researched right now by Pfizzer) and I don’t understand what legal right exists out there to fire someone from their job because of an unfinished experimental study.

  11. This article/disagreement/stupidity highlights one of the biggest problems we face as a community today.

    Nobody has a Rav, a moreh derech a mashpia (call it what you want), everyone predetermines their choice and finds a youtube video, a poster on a lamp post, a rav on the other side of the world he never heard of before, some unknown “medical expert” etc.. that supports their choice and touts it as emes liamito, while everyone else has an agenda. This is true in halacha, hashkafa, medicine, you name it.

    If anyone is making their vaccination choice (or relying on a psak halacha for anything) based on rabbi e. or anyone else they dont know and never heard of before, yikes!

  12. What happens when the doctors and “experts” begin recommending to hold off bris mila until the baby boy is, i don’t know, one years old? Other countries already want to ban bris mila before a certain age. If something like that happens, are the rabbonim going to come out and say follow the experts???

  13. The words of Rav Bender are the equivalent of Daas Torah. To tchepeh him is an attack on Daas Torah. Using scientific facts is shayach before the psak. Afterwards its אתם אפילו שוגגים. Rationale and apologetics are not relevant.

  14. Wow!
    I wonder why 72,000 hospital care workers and 16,000 nursing home workers were allowed to leave during a “pandemic”?
    And why would these doctors and nurses and others who have been on the job for 19 months, risking their lives by being in contact with the manu people who were ill from a serious illness, WHY wouldn’t they want protection from th it a terrible illness?
    Maybe they know the many serious side effects up front! And THEY DINT WANT A PART OF IT!

  15. BenEfraim check out the Rambam on Hilchos Shgagos. 13/6
    Even the Sanhedrin can make mistakes!
    See also Shavuos daf 31. Brought l’halacha in Choshen Mishpat 17.
    You must equalize the sides of an argument in a beis din. I spoke with one of the five towns rabbis and he told me what a pleasure it was that everybody all the rabbis abd the doctors agreed!
    Clearly this is NOT Da’as Torah!

  16. Rabbi Hoffman I know someone who died from the vaccine. My daughter-in-law’s grandfather. A vibrant healthy man who had a full life driving to weekly family simchos with his wife and more. My mechutan begged him bot to get it. His doctor’s “advice” prevailed. He died from strange huge blood clots.
    The Ministry of Health in israel made a Facebook post claiming that all the people claiming that they or their family members who died or were badly hurt from the Pfizer jab were all “fake news.”
    Within 14 hours, there were 11,500 posts stating personal experiences of many Israelis. They were not pleased with being called “fake news!”
    The response? By 24 hours, they had removed thousands of the comments. A few days later (yesterday or today) they just removed the post entirely!
    Don’t worry, though! You can still see thousands of them because people realized what was going on and began to screenshot as manu as possible!
    Btw, did you know that some hospitals have threatened termination to any doctors who report jab deaths or serious side effects?

  17. L’Kovod Rabbi Hoffman. I have not seen the objections that Rabbi E. had to Rabbi Bender’s statement. If Rabbi E. was in any way disrespectful, that is of course crossing a line that can not be crossed. However for what you have written here it seems that Rabbi E. disagreed with Rabbi Bender. Why does the rhetoric in your letter need to be coached in terms of “attack?” Many people are bemoaning that families are being torn apart, friends, shuls, communities, etc. People need to respectfully disagree and love each other and tone down the intense rhetoric.
    With Love

  18. “I wonder why 72,000 hospital care workers and 16,000 nursing home workers were allowed to leave during a “pandemic”?

    The same reason the hospitals were not allowed to hire their replacements. The Unions. My daughter in law is a nurse in a NY State hospital. 15% of the nurses refused to come in to work last spring. The hospital was ready, willing and able to hire more nurses, but, the union wouldnt allow it (im not a labor lawyer and dont claim to understand the union side) resulting in overworked, tired, run down nurses who simply couldnt keep up.

  19. Kehath64

    Poor you.
    But I humbly suggest you try as best you can to keep it under wraps.
    You see, my IQ is not the highest and I thoroughly enjoy all his articles including this one.
    Even if one doesn’t understand them, the outstanding messages are one of seeking peace and to improve our understanding of pertinent matters.
    Be well and get better.

  20. Rabbi Yair Hoffman, unfortunately I have lost all respect in you as you have shown yourself to be either corrupt (you are writing this one sided false opinion because you like YWN is making money on this) or a useful idiot being used by YWN to write this piece and your and too smart for yourself to see you are being used as a fool.

    Either way, I will no longer read anything written by you again. To just write back a quick note and not waste my time on you, you write that you will rebut five items and then you go on to rebut it by leaving out real information and making it seem like it is fact and not your opinion. you did exactly what you accused this Rabbi of doing, shame on you the blood of those that continue to die because of useful idiots like you and the blood of the unborn are on your hands like they are on the hands of Rabbi Bender and the other five town rabbis. Welcome to the club of those that will be shamed.

  21. I dont understand why Rabbi E’s perceived attacks are attacks. He researched, sees things differantly, and took the courage to speak up in a respectful way. Attack #3 is just quioting soures.

  22. I know 2 people who died from the vaccine, and many people who experienced bad side effects. People who had both vaccine and covid report that vaccine is worse.. And consider that I know very few people who took the vaccine, most people taking it are forced into it not to loose their job. Almost everyone I know who took the vaccine before getting covid did get covid after.
    Stop this garbage already, we all know what is happening in front of our eyes.
    Having semicha, does not give a person any authority over anyone’s health decisions. If these rabbis know so much about covid, why they didn’t come up with the cure themsleves?! This DAAS TORAH argument us a sick embarrassment to Judaism. The only thing more disturbing than people asking rabbis medical advice is Rabbis giving it! It’s ok to share your personal opinion, but don’t call it Torah!

  23. I’m so sorry that your daughter in law and others were worn out. A major part of that is because your governor, at the time, Cuomo, ימ״ש, made executive orders to forbid the use of hydroxychloroquine as well as forcing nursing homes to take sick Covid patients back into their nursing homes and thereby infecting thousands! (Without talking politics, like him or not,) Trump set up thousands of beds on a navy ship and the Javitz Center, and both were large unused! (Only in the tens). He was, therefore, responsible for reportedly 14-15,000 deaths spreading through nursing homes and other places. (Original estimate of 6,000 was changed.)
    What has this to do with being fired for refusing to get jabbed? If they were so worn out why did they not quit back then?no they waited til now because many of them are truly dedicated and want to help people. But THEY are witnesses personally to the massive amount of serious side effects! And deaths! From blood clots in the brain, the kidneys, the lungs, the spleen and the ovaries(!), heart attacks, myocarditis, neurological symptoms like non stop shaking, menstrual issues (UK reported 35,000 women complaining of that!), and on and on.
    The VAERS reports 15,950 deaths as of last month and Harvard (hardly conspiracy theorists!) made a study in 2010 that LESS than 1% are reported to the VAERS. We know just recently that the CMS (Medicare) has 48,500+ deaths within 14 days after the jab! But they are all denied as coming from the jab because (this is the chachmah of Eisav) anyone who hasn’t waited a full 14 days from the jab is now called “unvaxxed! Get it? Deny, deny, deny!
    And that doesn’t include the 2 million reports of injury, over 750,000 of which are serious!
    And if these numbers are only 10% what does that mean?
    And yet, the FDA (which listed 22 serious side effects including death, for THESE jabs) keeps denying! And the CDC made it impossible to see all the numbers in one place. You have to go to each state. And the hospitals, who get paid for each Covid INPATIENT (not ER) diagnosis, in NY, $13,200, won’t give successful treatments like ivermectin.

    The health care professionals (at least the ones who woke up) have seen so many of these serious side effects that they would rather give up their jobs than to take a chance on their own bodily harm or death!

  24. Antivaxxer or provaxxer, I think we all can agree that Bracha Chaya Stern speaks like (im sure she’s not, just speaks like) a raving deranged lunatic. Rabbi Hoffman is a safek, maybe he’s right, maybe he’s wrong. But she’s a vaday “מבזה תלמיד חכם, אין רפואה למכתו”

  25. YWN, are these comments even read or moderated???? There are a couple that are such outright straight up lashon hara (attacking R Hoffman’s articles? Like, what even??? Bashing the entire 5 towns and their rabbonim? WTH????) I can’t understand who is moderating and what the hetter is to allow these comments though. Don’t call yourself YWN if you allow anti Torah and anti halacha to run rampant on your comments.

  26. “sickofidiots”:
    I disagree.
    Bimakom Chilul Hashem, ain cholkin kavod laRav.

    This article is yet another installment of a long-running chillul Hashem.

    We are the am navon viChacham.

    It is beyond absurd to hide/ignore the facts that:
    1. People have been damaged and worse R”L L”A by these shots (see VAERS for starters).
    2. “Everyone” totally ignores natural immunity, which is at least as good as, if not far better than, vaccine immunity.
    3. Every medical treatment has at least some risk.

    We need Mashiach so desperately.

  27. It’s moments like these that I enjoy living way way “out of town.” I know neither R’ E, R’ Bender, Bracha, and have never visited the 5 Towns. It all sounds just super sad, petty, and divisive.

  28. There has been so much open censorship and shutting down of any alternative treatments or ideas that don’t fit in completely with the mainstream govt narrative. Just the lengths they have gone to to ban treatments that or community has personally seen as very effective, should make any thinking person suspicious. Additionally, the amount of censoring of medical professionals, whether it be not allowing them to report adverse vaccine reactions (to the patient or on record), or not allowing them to make informed, individualized decisions about vaccines for them and their patients (what’s is there risk level, medical history, covid history…)- is clear that this is not just about the science. Now having Rabbis jump on this troubled bandwagon and peddle the vaccine as of they know something about it- is disingenuous and out of place. At best they should be guiding people to speak with their primary care physician to make the best decision for themselves (assuming the PC is not just blindly following the CDC and Faucci).

    While this author may be learned- I often feel his conclusions are pre-determined, then the rest of the article built around it. Not sure why he and YWN feel the need to be so pushy on this vaccine issue and can’t let people make individualized choices.

  29. There is a very suspicious situation going on with this covid vaccines, i want to highlight a few important talk points i’m not a antivaxxer in general

    1) before the covid vaccine came out, the official average mortality rate was between 0.5-1.2 percent , now with the vaccine it officially reduces your chances of dying by around 99% it seems to me the number hasn’t changed with the vaccine

    2) Fauci said on camera at MAR 2020 he is willing to bet everything that if you had covid you’re immune, now that the vaccine is out he won’t say a word about natural immunity either way, as he wants everybody to get vaccinated even though several studies show natural immunity is the strongest, Why ? Big pharma money, Moreover in the latest waive in israel only one person died from a second time covid infection, versus a lot more vaccinated people that died

    3) Every other real vaccine out there like MMR Small POX will give you real immunity even if you’re exposed to Measles you won’t get it if vaccinated, With this shot you basically don’t have immunity they’re trying to say it will reduce your symptoms bla bla even though about the same percentage will die as unvaccinated, bottom line it’s not a vaccine it won’t really protect you and they still want everybody to be masked regardless

    4) The MnRA technology is very problematic it was never approved for anything because studies always reveled it wasn’t safe for your immunity system you can look on Moderna studies from 2015 they never passed, Now suddenly it’s supposed to be safe, i personally know one healthy person that died suddenly 2 weeks after taking the vaccine

    ושמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם

  30. The whole argument is not going to convince anyone to switch sides. Those antivaxxers are so brainwashed that there is a whole world conspiracy against them nothing will change their minds. As one of anti-vaxers said to me all those who got vaccinated will die very soon while I am afraid it may be just opposite, and I guess time will show.
    People here like MDshweks would prefer to believe youtube than many real experts. I guess MD stands for the state, not for Medical Doctor
    I also like the comment by Bklyntrucker October 6, 2021 10:40 am at 10:40 am
    “The Five Town Rabonim have a long history of fighting over nothing” Obviously here in BoroPark & Willy yiden fight over more important things, like who is going to be the new Rebbe and all the assets from that.

    Wishing everyone a healthy year!

  31. When you leave your house you are to kiss the mezuzah and say

    “Hashem protect me,Hashem watch over me ,Hashem is my shadow etc
    Look it up in kittzur shulchan aruch
    #24 laws of mezuzah.
    Yes that is the FIRST thing you do to protect yourself,
    Have not heard one Rabbi or Doctor or these countless public speakers talk about how
    HASHEM gives the true protection.

  32. It is so horrifyingly sad.
    so many are sorely missing so many important points.
    It is an established fact that churban is caused by sinas chinam. And this is how we are reacting to the differences of opinion between doctors and between rabbonim???
    It is also known that Klal Yisroel is supposed to serve as an example of honesty, integrity and so much more for the goyim to emulate.
    How far do the majority of us fall and fail? It may be that we’ve fallen under their influence – but that is NOT the way it is supposed to be. So many stories and scandals. True, the goyim, news media and anti-semites are playing it all up. Unfortunately, there is what to play up…but there is NOT supposed to be.
    Hashem is not happy with US; perhaps we are in the situation we’re in, due to our inadequacies.
    Yes, we’ve been evaluated and punished, in the US court system with a larger and harder stick than the general population. BUT if you ask why this has been the case; the answer is so simple and obvious we are NOT fulfilling our mission. Instead of showing the nations how to conduct an decent, honest, G-d fearing life, we’ve fallen to behaving as they do, and for us it is a greater EVIL making it SCANDELOUS and causing so much Chillul Hashem. How much further can we go? We’ve even put some of our criminals on pedestals, for their passtimes in jail, admiring their accomplishments????
    Uru yeshanim mishnaschem!

  33. Let’s face it. Here and in Europe and Israel are spitting at the Torah. Atheism has dramatically increased among the youth. We Orthodox Jews are responsible for causing gay marriage and gay parades in Israel. We don’t speak up. We don’t vote. It was an orthodox politician who allowed the vote in New York for gay marriage. Dont forget that. Then all the states followed. Modern orthodox lawyers fought for the gay marriage law in California as well. We are getting hit by Shemayim. So many rabbonim and roshei yeshivas died from the Covid apedamic. Their silence killed them. When we don’t protest we are punished. Wake up.

  34. • Dan Da Man and Kishmich
    Great comments.
    • Bracha Chaya Stern and Hakatan
    Sadly I agree. The tone is wrong. Rabbi E did NOT attack. and the information RYH used was lacking sources and never considered the other side! This is NOT derech Hatorah! This cannot be Da’as Torah!
    Choshen mishpat siman 17/1 & 5 explains very clearly how a Dayan should equalize both sides. Once RYH called Rabbi E. an antivaxxer, he “othered” him and all other Antivaxxers. There is no way you will listen carefully to both sides of you refer to one side as an antivaxxer!
    • Wisdom from mishlei
    Actually, Rav Moshe Shternbuch said publicly something very close to what you are saying. It can be found in #31 in the list of 31 rabbis or groups of rabbis who do not say to take the jab. (See there).
    What I could not find there is any mention that Rav Shternbuch said what RYH is quoting. And if he did, was it 10-12 months ago or recently, since so much has come out against the jabs. Dr. Robert Malone, one of 2 who developed the mRNA concept has come out strongly against the jabs! As did top experts like Dr. Peter McCullough and Professor Luc Montigneiri, a winner of Noble Prize in science because of his identifying the HIV virus. And many many more researchers who have seen the serious changes in the blood of those who have taken it.
    Suggestion to RYH: give sources when you quote.

  35. Another point

    somebody please enlighten me, they’re calming that you should vaccinate because even if you’re healthy and young, you put other vulnerable people at risk because you can transmit the virus to them

    Question : according to the CDC vaccinated people can still transmit the virus to others even if they have no symptoms

    So how does the shot change that ?

    Just saying

  36. Yisroelbtachbashem

    All agree Hashem the boss
    and eat right,that’s obvious .

    My point is it’s not incorporated in the debate or speeches imo
    its 24/7 vaccine vaccine vaccine, now its flu shot flu shot flu shot
    Don’t keep track of who says what, it was a general statement.
    People should listen to a good shiur on Bitochon sign up for this shiur

  37. How is it that the antivax trolls pop up in droves on YWN comments in immediate succession to each other? I suspect either an antivax frum WhatsApp chat which recommends commenting or a few bored souls with multiple user names.

    Either way, Rabbi Bender asking people to have common sense and decency and getting a shot or two to help save lives, is not out of line.

    The rest of y’all michallelei sheim shamayim berabim and rotzchim, can you please go back to your WhatsApp chat and leave the rest of us alone? Tia

  38. Dear : frumnotyeshivish

    Calling people with common sense antivax trolls is plain sinas chinam

    I’m not antivaax I did take all the regular safe vaccines so did my children

    This shot which is not a vaccine because it does not protect you is a entirely different story

    Instead of making blank statements. Let’s see your arguments ,
    I suspect you don’t have any reasonable arguments so you just make a blank not very educated statement

  39. No Sinas Chinam. No שנאת הנם!! Please!

    Vaccinated, not vaccinated, pro-vax, anti-vax, should all pray, learn, and live together in peace. We are all 1 community, but we DON’T have to have 1 voice, and never did. We have different opinions today just like Abaya and Rava did, and throughout our history, and we respect and love each other. We don’t become “cohesive” by having 1 voice. That’s not the way.

    Rabbi E. gave this message towards the end, along with other messages of the need for unity.

    Yet, people here in these comments are still degrading each other (though I’m happy to observe it’s less in the past).

    The real danger is divisiveness and the lack of unity! Rabbi E. said this too!

    Hashem is waiting for us to wake up, YES, to wake up and love and respect each other.

    This is the goal. Please, my brothers and sisters, don’t be confused about this!

  40. This author R. Hoffman writes: “Nor do I know anyone who knows someone who died from the vaccine.”

    He is clueless – so many people have been hurt. I know a 17 yr old who got a heart attack after the second vaccine in Israel (He was rushed to the hospital and lived BH) and a 22 yr old girl who passed away.


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