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IDF Soldier Murdered in Terror Attack [UPDATED 10:24 IL]

photo #508:53 IL: An Israeli was stabbed and critically wounded in the Afula Central Bus Station a short time ago. The victim is being treated by Magen David Adom paramedics. The suspect appears to be in custody.

It appears the stabbing was a terror attack but police have not yet made a final determination.

An Israel Police spokesman confirms the suspect is in custody. Preliminary reports from the scene indicate the suspect, an Arab, was held down by passersby until police arrived.

The victim, an IDF soldier, is in critical condition. He was transported to HaEmek Hospital.

The attacker is a PA (Palestinian Authority) resident who is inside Green Line Israeli illegally. He rode the bus from Nazareth to Afula and when they arrived at the central bus station, he stabbed the victim numerous times in his upper torso. The victim is now undergoing emergency surgery in HaEmek Hospital, where his condition is listed as extremely critical.

The Afula Central Bus Station has been locked down following the stabbing attack. No one is being permitted to enter or exit at this time.

Israel Police on its Facebook page reports the suspect is a resident of the Jenin area in his 20s. Police confirm he is in Green Line Israel illegally. The knife used to stab the soldier has also been recovered. The attacked is being interrogated in the Afula police station.

The soldier’s condition remains critical at this time. He is in emergency surgery in HaEmek Hospital in Afula.


Israel Police is reporting on its Facebook page that the stabbing was a terror attack. The suspect, a resident of a PA area in the Jenin district, explains that he did this because members of his family are imprisoned in Israel.

There are no words to describe the ‘agenda’ that exists with the state-run Israel Broadcasting Authority as Israel Radio continues to refer to the terrorist as “the Palestinian youth” who remains in custody while an 18-year-old IDF soldier, a resident of northern Israel, is fighting for his life. Reshet Bet is even reporting the “youth” complained that he was injured when bus passengers held him down until police arrived. Hashem Yerachem.

The IDF soldier critically wounded in the stabbing attack earlier has died of his massive injuries in Afula’s HaEmek Hospital. Baruch Dayan Emmes, HY”D. He was reportedly 18-years-old.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


5 Responses

  1. Ridiculous. HYD. Maybe Israel should return more land and prisoners to make peace. Yemah shemam. After each of these attacks they should start executing these animals. One by one till it stops. Start emptying the prisoners that way. This government is just a Arab pacifist puppets. Hashem yaazor

  2. as a gesture of goodwill they should set the arab youth free, that way we can come to the table and discuss peace with our neighbors.
    this would also save precious time and money from having purposeless court proceedings. …
    or if they just did the right thing and returned the youth the gracious favor he did for the soldier hy”d

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