BDE: Legendary Ba’al Koreh Is Niftar From COVID

צילום: הירש קוטובסקי

Bnei Brak is mourning the death of HaRav Avraham Yitzchak Kestenbaum, z’l, who passed away on Sunday after contracting the coronavirus at the age of 76.

HaRav Kestenbaum grew up in Tel Aviv. As a bochur, he learned in Yeshivah Ponevezh and eventually settled in Bnei Brak, where he served as the Ba’al Koreh for the Chemdas Tzvi shul for 40 years.

His family members told B’Chadrei Chareidim that he was a tremendous ba’al chessed who was always eager to be of assistance to others.

He had been vaccinated with two doses but hadn’t managed to receive the booster shot before he became ill.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. BDE
    So does this mean it’s his fault cuz he didn’t go for a booster
    Poor Israel got bait and switch
    Promises promises and the two shots don’t even work

  2. The vaccination does NOT save lives. Boosting one’s immune system with zinc, vitamin D and quercetin helps protect one and there are treatments to treat covid at its onset that do work. Anywau we have to believe that when someone is niftar it is only because Hashem wanted it to happen so if no matter how someone dies, whether through covid, a car accident, driwning etc. It is Hashem’s will.

  3. He hasn’t “managed” to receive “his” booster shot before getting ill…
    I would rephrase it like this: Pfizer and Netanyahu convinced him to take “their” (ineffective) shot, but he has not taken Bennett’s booster shot…

  4. When someone UNVACCINATED dies it’s in the headlines. If he was vaccinated you have to read till the last line. And here the excuse is that he didn’t get the booster, tsk tsk.

  5. basmelech – You are a fool. Even a potential murderer. People that do not take the vaccine as instructed are dangering themselves. They also are killing the weak and old. Grow up and look at the stats. People that do not adhere, dye!

  6. The vaccine effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is between 88% and 95%. Meaning that it works for most cases – not all.
    Some vaccinated people (5% to 12%) don’t develop anti-bodies as hoped. Remember “herd immunity”. Well, for this group, we rely on herd immunity and wearing masks indoors.

  7. ujm – And why did you think that? That is absolutely not what the medical community has said. What they have said, consistently and repeatedly almost ad nauseum, is that the vaccinations significantly reduce the risk of contracting COVID and that they also significantly reduce the risk of death if you do contract COVID. ‘Significantly reduce’ does not mean ‘never’. In fact, it means the exact opposite; it means that some vaccinated people WILL contract COVID and that some of those WILL die. The claim is, and always has been, that the vaccination SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES risks but does NOT remove them entirely.

    This claim is now backed by a tremendous amount of data that shows that vaccinated people contract COVID at much lower rates than unvaccinated people and, more importantly, that vaccinated people die from COVID at much lower rates than unvaccinated people.

    And, once again, ‘much lower rates’ does not mean ‘never’.

  8. to all the wise comments about dying despite the vaccine. current statistics on those dying from Covid show that the unvaccinated outnumber the vaccinated by about 30 to 1. do as you wish, but do not mislead others; killing yourself is bad, killing others is worse.

  9. ujm – the article makes no accusations or suggest anyone did anything wrong. It points out he was vaccinated but had not received the booster yet. Nowhere is it suggested that the booster would have saved him. What we do know is the vaccine (and getting the boosters) significantly reduces the risk of serious illness and death from COVID. Putting out whether people were vaccinated or not is important info. Here is one case where the vaccine did not save a life, but there have been numerous more and with YOUNGER people that have died who have not been vaccinated.

    Read into this what you will, but TYW is doing the right thing by simply reporting this info. It is needed to help combat misinformation about the vaccine so that people can get some important info.

  10. In Israel, if someone gets vaccinated then recovers from Covid (as in my case) you can’t get the booster. It could be there wasn’t enough of a time lapse between the 2nd jab and him getting ill for him to get the booster. I really want to receive it, because I don’t want Covid a second time. Once was enough. BDE, Rav Kestenbaum.

    Good post, emes nisht sheker.

  11. Dave10 remember:
    Chazal tell us “״כל הפוסל, במומו פוסל!
    Stick to the facts!
    • Covid has a 99.991% rate of healing. The flu has 99.992% rate. (Dr. Lee Merritt, interview)
    • The more vaccinated population, the higher the “breakthrough cases”
    • “Breakthrough case” is another name for ADE. Something top virologists, epidemiologists etc. have been worried will attack those people who take the jab! (That is what happened in EVERY animal trial for sars viruses.)

  12. dullradiance: The Pfizer trials showed “95% efficacy”
    But they were selling snake oil!
    There are two ways to determine “efficacy.”
    A. RRR (Relative risk reduction) and
    B. ARR (Absolute risk reduction).
    Pfizer’s ARR was the worst of the three jabs in use now. 0.8%! (The others are no more than 1.2%)
    So the jabs help in 8 -12 out of 1,000 people. 988 to 994 don’t get risk reduction.
    Let’s compare to the true death rate of those below 65:
    > 99.9% or better.
    > that equals 999 out of 1000!
    Think about that.
    As my mother always says,”Seek and ye shall find!”

  13. Dull radiance:
    Here is an article to help you out.


  14. DrYidd
    I don’t know where you get your stats from!
    You want to claim that only (or mainly) un-jabbed people are getting sick and dying?
    Let’s look at the official Israel stats:
    >> In July, 2021, 44 people died from corona.
    >>>> 44 jabbed; 3 un-jabbed
    >> in Aug, 2021, 195 (!) people died from corona:

  15. Moderator please erase previous comment to DrYidd.
    I don’t know where you get your stats from!
    You want to claim that only (or mainly) un-jabbed people are getting sick and dying?
    Let’s look at the official Israel stats:
    >> In July, 2021, 47 people died from corona.
    >>>> 44 jabbed; 3 un-jabbed
    >> in Aug, 2021, 195 (!) people died from corona:
    >>>> 188 jabbed; 7 un-jabbed.
    What happened at the end of July?
    They began giving the third booster shot!
    Check the just released actual statistics from the U.K. Also, a majority of deaths are from those fully jabbed.

    Last but not least: Look up Thomas Renz, Attorney, speech at end of Sept. (25, 26 or 27) wherein he gives official stats from a second whistleblower.
    From the CMS (Medicare):
    There are 59.4 million Americans
    (18% of the population) Not all got jabbed but we will use that number.
    48,500+ of them died within 2 weeks of the jabs!
    That is One out of every 1,225!!!
    In 1976, there was a swine flu “pandemic” and they gave 45 million flu shots.
    About 23+/- reportedly died (eventually 53+/-)
    23 of 45 million is 1 in 2 million.
    Because ONE in 2 MILLION died, the flu vaccine cane to a grinding halt!
    Now, with a rate of 1 in 1,225 they keep on jabbing!
    Because in 1986, bought off congress passed a bill that frees Big Pharma from ALL liability!
    So why not keep jabbing!
    It’s all gain ($$$) and no losses (of money; just people’s lives!)
    These Pharmaceutical Companies have no ne’emanus!

  16. Yisroelbtachbashem – Yes, there was a brief period this summer in Israel when when more vaccinated people died of COVID than unvaccinated people, but I checked the official Israeli government stats and: 1. That was a deviation; look at the entire year (looking both before and since the deviation) and you see that vastly more unvaccinated people than vaccinated people have died and continue to die of COVID, and 2. the numbers you report do not seem to match the official stats and substantially overstate the deviation.

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