Queens: Community Board Member Might Be Ousted For Alleged Anti-Semitic Remark

09A member of Community Board 9, which represents Kew Gardens, Richmond Hill, Woodhaven and Ozone Park, is facing the boot after allegedly directing anti-Semitic remarks at other board members over the summer.

Sam Esposito, who has represented Ozone Park on the board since 1988, claims the remarks were not anti-Semitic and were only intended as a criticism of three board members — Evelyn Baron, Wallace Bock and Jan Fenster — for complaining about being served inappropriate food during a meeting in June.

The members, according to an email that Esposito sent them after the meeting, said that the food served before the board’s meeting was not “Kosher enough.”


2 Responses

  1. Doesn’t seem too anti semitic to me but if this was a comment directed at a black guy, then rev. Al sharptongue, louis fara-con, and rev been jealous from naacp would demand his resignation, organize a march through queens and demand that federal hate law crimes be brought against him.

  2. There is absolutely no information in this article that supports the statement that Mr. Esposito is “facing the boot” off Community Board 9. Anyone who is not frum does not understand “kosher enough.”

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