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Elizabeth Warren Threatening To Block Queen Hillary’s Resurgence

hilThe Republicans are not yet set for a path that would lead them to regain control of the White House in 2016, but it seems that the Democrats are up for the fight, this time from the left.

As hype is building up among tired Democrats that Hillary Clinton is the anointed Queen of the Democratic Party as President Obama sets to leave the stage in 2016, fellow Democrat Elizabeth Warren is threatening to set some barriers, writes Noam Scheiber of The New Republic.

Warren, currently serving as U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, represents the more socialist wing of the party, which is growing in popularity among Democrats under 30, Scheiber writes, citing a recent Pew poll.

Bill de Blasio’s recent victory in NYC;s mayoral election has also contributed to the notion that the left of the Democratic Party and the conversation about socioeconomics is currently more popular among the deciding electorate.

These are bad omens for Clinton, Scheiber argues.

“The question, though eminently reasonable, violated an unstated rule of committee protocol, in which members of Congress are allowed to rant and rave at length but generally abstain from humiliating appointees, especially from their own party,” Scheiber writes.

“She has an immense—I can’t put it in words—a sense of destiny,” says a former aide. “If Hillary or the man on the moon is not representing her stuff, and her people don’t have a seat at table, she’ll do what she can to make sure it’s represented.”

Schieber notes that most presidential race watchers don’t expect Warren to run, as it would most likely be a suicide mission. But her past has shown that, like Cruz, she cares less about her own political ambition than she does about her mission. In her case, she wants to advance her economic agenda for what she believes will ease the burden on the middle class.

“Yeah, Hillary is running. And she’ll probably win,” said the former aide. “But Elizabeth doesn’t care about winning. She doesn’t care whose turn it is.”

An opponent who doesn’t heed political incentives is like a militant who doesn’t fear death, Schieber concludes.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. this should suprise noone the notion that hillary has it locked up is nonsense and a disservice to her. i’v been saying this for a while even if she does not win she can make hilary loose.
    hillary will be 69 warren 67 biden 73 in january 2017
    ryan rubio cruz jindal in 40s crisrie paul in 50s.

  2. The far left wing of the Democrats feel they are on a winning streak. They see no need to pick moderates, such as Clinton or Obama. They can go for the radical left wing shift they have dreamed of.

    The Republicans appear shattered with the Tea Party at war with with Country Club, Sam’s Club alienated from Wall Street, and the Libertarians alienated from everyone else (remember had the Republicans been united they would now control the Senate, if not the White House). The left just won a gigantic victory in New York City with the establishment non-Democrat Bloomberg replaced by someone who is basically a socialist who supports Marxist terrorists (at least in the past).

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