VIDEO: Netanyahu Rallies US Jewry Against Iran Deal: ‘It Is Time To Speak Up’

[VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Appearing defiant as ever, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S Jews he’ll not sit back amid the United States and the Western World powers’ concessions to Iran. “When it comes to the question of Jewish survival and the survival of the Jewish state, I will not be silenced, ever. Not on my watch,” Mr. Netanyahu vowed in a speech to the Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly in Jerusalem, Sunday night.

Speaking in an unconventional way, leaning on to the side of the podium without any notes or teleprompter, Netanyahu immediately shifted to the Iranian issue, telling the audience that the Iranians had only come to negotiate in Geneva because of the crippling sanctions that had been imposed upon them and that they had no choice. But, he warned that any agreement by the international community that saw an easing of those sanctions in return for “meaningless minor concessions” would lead to disaster.

‘What is being proposed now is a deal in which Iran retains all of that capacity. Not one centrifuge is dismantled. Not one. Iran gets to keep tons of low enriched uranium and they can take these centrifuges, which are not dismantled, in the halls, underground, which are not dismantled – using advanced centrifuges that they’ve already installed, some of them, that are not dismantled – and they can rush within a few weeks, maybe a couple of months, that’s all, and create at the time of their choosing, the fissile material for a bomb,” he emphasized.

“That’s a bad deal. It’s a dangerous deal because it keeps Iran as a nuclear threshold nation and it may very well bring about a situation where the sanctions are dissolved or collapsed,” Netanyahu further noted. “It’s a bad and dangerous deal that deals with the thing that affects our survival. And when it comes to the question of Jewish survival and the survival of the Jewish state, I will not be silenced, ever. Not on my watch.”

Trying to foil any agreement under current circumstances,Netanyahu sought to rally the Israeli public and the American Jewry behind him. “When the Jewish people were silent on matters relating to our survival, you know what happened,” he said. “This is different. We are the Jewish state. We are charged with defending ourselves and we are charged with speaking up. And it is time now to speak up – all of us. All of us have to stand up now and be counted.”

Read the full text of Prime Minister NetanyAhu’s speech here

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

One Response

  1. “Appearing defiant as ever” – the Prime Minister once again warns the world against Iranian nuclear plans.

    The words “appearing defiant as ever” is complimentary to the PM of Israel as it would be for those standing up for Toras Hashem in Israel.

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