Rabbi Berland Is On The Move – Someplace

berlAfter being forced to leave Morocco, the Rosh Yeshiva of Breslav’s “Shuvu Banim” Rabbi Eliezer Berland traveled to Cairo. It is reported by Maariv that from there the Rabbi plans to head for Zimbabwe, Africa as he seeks a new home.

Rabbi Berland’s  travels began when he fled Israel to avoid arrest. He set up shop in Morocco, where he was for seven months until being instructed to leave, last week. However, some of the rav’s talmidim contradict the Maariv report, stating he spent Shabbos in Johannesburg, and not in Cairo.

Maariv quotes one of his chassidim explaining “The rav has chassidim around the world and he is welcome anywhere and will receive assistance wherever he decides to go.” It is explained that he left S. Africa after Shabbos with a very small entourage and purchased tickets to a number of destinations to confuse those trying to track him down.

He appears to be deciding between Zimbabwe and Venezuela. He decided to head to Zimbabwe as a temporary stop over and he does plan to continue to Venezuela, Maariv adds.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. It is absolutely mind-boggling how “Yeshiva World News” consistently quotes left-wing, biased, anti-religious Israeli newspapers, and helps in spreading lies and degrading Holy Tzaddikim and Gedolei Hador of whose caliber there hasn’t been in generations, and of which all the Gedolim already warned against believing these lies, and anyone who talks about it has no chelek in olam habah. It just doesn’t make any sense to me that just for a few ratings these “yeshiva world” people who supposedly are frum are willing to give up all their olam habah and be machsil the rabim. You have a long road of teshuva ahead of you if you ever plan on taking it, in which you will need to start publishing the truth, the words of our true leaders, the gedolei hador, like Reb Chaim Kanievsky, Reb Steinman, Reb Dovid Abuchatzeira, Rav Dov Kook, instead of the words of “Maariv” and the likes. Shame on you “Yeshiva World”.

  2. Of course there are many questions, and we don’t understand what’s going on, but instead of jumping to conclusions and following the tide of the anti-religous who are washing everyone into the lowest points of gehinom, ask your questions to the gedolim and you’ll get astonishing answers. And you’ll read and learn that it’s not the first time in history that a Tzaddik took upon himself these kind of bizyonos and galus in order to be mechaper on the nation. And an article later you are quoting the panic of Netanyahu about the imminent nuclear bomb over our heads. Can’t you put two and two together? or at least listen to the gedolim who have? Because who is really fueling the atom bomb, the Iranian factories or our words of loshon harah. Even the simple basics of Shmiras Halashon is none-existent in this site, read a little bit of the chofetz chaim and start to tremble, who is causing the nuclear reactor!? Who is causing the anger of Hashem to go against us. Please wake up! For all of klal yisroel, for all of humanity, wake up! Life is not a game. Your words have tremendous power. Don’t destroy whats remaining of yidishkeit.

  3. to #1
    why do you say that hashem is turning his anger to us? Hashem loves his children ever when they sin for they are his first-born. Why do you talk lashon hara on am yisrael?
    Without getting in to the merits of the argument on other articals about this rov YWN has been accused of been too one sided with those claiming innocent.

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