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Satellite Likely To Hit Earth In Unpopulated Area

satThe European Space Agency says that one of its research satellites that ran out of fuel will most likely crash to Earth into the ocean or polar regions.

The agency said Sunday the crash is expected to occur between 1830 GMT Sunday and 0030 GMT on Monday (1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. EST).

It says “with a very high probability, a re-entry over Europe can be excluded.”

Spokeswoman Jocelyne Landeau said the satellite, GOCE, will mostly disintegrate as it comes down and “we will have only a few pieces which could be 90 kilograms at the most.”

ESA said Friday that humans are 250,000 times more likely to win the lottery than to get hit by the debris.

GOCE was launched in 2009 to map the Earth’s gravitational field.


2 Responses

  1. Humans may be more likely to win the lottery, but lawyers can dream?

    Actually there is a treaty and established case law, so its only a dream for the legal profession.

  2. I am not worried about satellites falling on me.
    I am more worried about government drones (I mean the flying ones created by technology, though the liberal Obama supporters do the same thing. Ok both are threats) spying on innocent people.

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