21-Year-Old Unvaccinated Israeli Dies Of COVID

Photo: Raviv Meyuchas

A 21-year-old Israeli who hadn’t been vaccinated against COVID contracted the virus and passed away on Motzei Shabbos at Wolfson Hospital in Holon.

After suffering a severe deterioration in his condition, the young man was evacuated to the hospital in critical condition. Doctors attempted to resuscitate him for a prolonged period of time but were ultimately forced to declare his death.

Israel’s Health Ministry confirmed 10,084 new coronavirus patients on Sunday morning. There are currently 1,168 hospitalized coronavirus patients, of whom 697 are seriously ill and 154 are ventilated. Seven coronavirus patients passed away over Shabbos, increasing the death toll to 7,338.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. So much from this story is missing: was he otherwise healthy? Overweight? Did he exercise regularly? The way the story is written it’s just click bait.

  2. A question should arise – was this young fellow, who generally, because of his young age, would rarely statistically be indicated for a covid-shot (at least by hypotheses passing through the medical dictatorship until very recently), die after receiving three ‘covid shots’ that don’t count him as vaccinated? Or maybe, it was only two without a booster? Or maybe just one? Or maybe he had one less than fourteen days ago, which also doesn’t count yet to consider him ‘vaccinated’?

    Or perhaps, he just became inundated through other people’s shedding of the virus-infected vaccine? Or, maybe he was just considered as having passed by a decree that it was because of ‘covid’ – whatever that means, as the virus was never actually ever isolated.


  3. Sorry to hear but it should not cause fear.
    Thousands of people die from the flu every year yet you dont see the media stoking fear from that.

  4. Since you always make sure to remind us when a covid death is unvaccinated, we can safely assume that all the posts about others who died- were been vaccinated deaths.

    Just saying the quiet part out loud.

    And yes, although some vaccinated & some unvaccinated will die, for this 21 year old, the chances of dying of covid was far less than dying or being maimed from this particular “vaccine”

  5. Before the vaccination was available, all we heard was that the deaths of young adults, teens and children were extremely small AND it only if they had co-morbidities. All of a sudden, after the vaccines are on the market, we are inundated with these stories.

    So one has to wonder which crucial details were cut out. People who only had one shot are counted as unvaccinated and therefore this person could just as well have recieved one shot that contributed to his death of covid. We do not know the complete picture.

    The narrative keeps on changing according to politics. People die if they don’t get a second shot, people die in Israel if they don’t get a booster shot, but in the US there’s no need for booster shots, etc., etc.

  6. How many vaccinated people died of Covid? What percentage of people are dying or have died from other causes such as heart disease, cancer, the flu etc.? Statistically I don’t think Covid is any worse than the common cold and the “powers that be” are trying their darndest to control the population by fear mongering and forcing us to take shots which are harmful and don’t seem to be doing very much/

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