Israeli MD: “Younger Unvaccinated Patients Taking The Beds Of Older Vaccinated Patients”

Illustrative. Medical staff at Sheba's underground coronavirus critical care unit with an ECMO (extracorporeal life support) machine. (Photo: Sheba Medical Center)

Prof. Galia Rahav, director of the Infectious Diseases Department at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer who is considered one of the most senior and experienced doctors in  COVID treatment in Israel, painted a bleak picture of the current COVID situation in Israel, Yisrael Hayom reported on Sunday morning.

“I’ve been crying recently,” Prof. Rahav said. “The mortality from COVD right now is very severe, it’s unbearable. There aren’t enough ICU beds for ventilated COVID patients.”

“They don’t know enough about treating ventilated patients in some of the COVID wards,” she said. “Patients who aren’t expected to live die because there aren’t enough beds and staff in the ICU. I see this in many hospitals, it’s heartrending.”

“I’ve had to fight for hours to transfer ventilated coronavirus patients to ICUs and every battle is heartbreaking. For example, I fought to transfer a young patient who was attached to an ECMO machine to Tel HaShomer, and now she’s in rehabilitation. If she hadn’t been transferred, her chances of survival would have been very low.”

“The situation in internal medicine wards is catastrophic even without COVID due to the shortage of ICU beds but now everything at once – it’s heartbreaking.”

Prof. Rahav also noted a frightening phenomenon – the treatment of younger unvaccinated patients in place of older vaccinated patients. “Sixty to seventy percent of severely ill patients are unvaccinated, but in intensive care units, they prefer to treat younger patients who are mostly unvaccinated, and in some cases, they take the beds of patients who have been vaccinated who are much older – it’s an outrage.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Interesting…
    Why do the vaccinated need beds and ventilation..?

    Oh and BTW “unvaccinated” these days mean whose who ONLY had 2 doses….

  2. These are unfaithful, deceitful reports, apparently with no shame or humility whatsoever. In Israel currently, a person is not considered ‘vaccinated’ until at least 14 days have past since the injection. Secondly, those who haven’t received each of the shots is also not considered ‘vaccinated’ (to be referred to as such).

    The summary of this is that the narrative is false, that there is no trust to be found in the manipulative, lying reports from credentialed, licensed (mostly allopathic) practitioners, and that most of the infected, as being widely-reported elsewhere, are in fact, those who have received these inoculations. Shame. Shame.

  3. sad to read, much sadder to deal with the chutzpah of those who think this is a joke__shameful people , killing people without reason other than the lack of seichal___miss Bibi___this Gov’t should sit it out and let Hashem do his job, the only reason I submit this truth is that no where in the world is there a leader with two brains to rub together__thank G_D he is now running the world…you should all be scared out of your wits.

  4. Something is weird. If we believe the Israeli media without knowing the real and accurate numbers, why is this happening only in Israel?

  5. Well the anti-vaxers are probably ok with these outcomes which are consistent with some racist theories of “natural selection” where the older patients desperately in need of hospitalization and medical care are shunted off to die while the younger patients who will contribute more to society over their lifetimes are given priority treatment. There are also perverse financial incentives in the Israeli health care system to prioritize younger, less-ill patients. Obviously, there will be breakthrough cases even among the vaccinated but the data are irrefutable that the infection rate among the younger unvaccinated population is much higher than their vaccinated peers.

  6. Read the study that young men have higher chance of severe heart problems after vaccination than being hospitalized for covid.

    Take into account that only small fraction of vaccine reactions are reported.

    We really do not know what the full consequences of these vaccines are, and we will never know.

    All we know is the vaccines don’t work. We know that the most highly vaccinated country in the world has the highest rate of covid.

    If Yeshiva world had any integrity, they would report vaccine deaths not only covid deaths.

  7. Sara Rifka: Hope you have a shanah tovah because obviously this last year has been difficult for you if you “miss Bibi”. Yup….the government should just “sit it out” and not take any steps that might reduce the rates of infection, hospitalization and death. Just let malach h’maves do his job without interference from doctors and public health experts.
    Again, hope you have a better year.

  8. I dont see anywhere in the article that older vaccinated people are in the icu r’l due to covid. older vaccinated people could be in the icu for many medical issues. Then again, why its important that they are vaccinated also raises questions

    I chalk up a lot of the unknown to the poorly written article.

  9. Maybe the Israeli government should use some of the stolen money (tickets from covid-19 enforcement) to create some more hospital beds. Is it not crazy that over 19 months since the beginning of lockdowns the only thing that has probably not changed in this world is the number of hospitals beds available

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