Statement by the President on the 75th Anniversary of Kristallnacht

knI join millions of people in the United States and around the world in marking the 75th anniversary of the tragedy of Kristallnacht – “the Night of Broken Glass.” On November 9 and 10, 1938, Nazi paramilitaries marched under the cover of darkness throughout the towns and villages of Germany and Austria smashing Jewish storefronts, arresting Jewish men en masse, ransacking Jewish homes, burning books and littering the streets with the parchment of sacred Judaic texts. Throughout the two-day wave of violence, hundreds of synagogues and thousands of businesses owned by Jews were destroyed or damaged. At least 91 Jews were killed, while another 30,000 were sent to concentration camps.

Kristallnacht foreshadowed the systematic slaughter of six million Jews and millions of other innocent victims. Seventy-five years later, Kristallnacht now signifies the tragic consequences of silence in the face of unmitigated hatred.

As we mark this anniversary, let us act in keeping with the lessons of that dark night by speaking out against anti-Semitism and intolerance, standing up to indifference, and re-committing ourselves to combatting prejudice and persecution wherever it exists. In so doing, we honor the memories of those killed and reaffirm that timeless call: “Never Again.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Obama may not be hostile for Jews but he is certainly not a fried of Israel. He went to bed with the Iranians who said that there is no place for Israel in the middle east and they invested their wealth to making nuclear bombs. They have enough oil for their own needs as well as for export. It would be best to stop work on making nuclear bombs and allow inspectors to be sure that all nuclear activity is for energy production, not bombs. It would also be reassuring if they openly declared that they would never be the first to use a nuclear weapon.

  2. #1 you are right and lets daven, that that does not lead G-D forbid to another physical one.

    #2 He does not have to “be afraid of Israel” to support the right of people in free countries not to be Nuked by these fanatics.

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