Photos: OK Holds Annual Mashgiach Conference


On Rosh Chodesh Kislev (November 4), OK Kosher Certification held its annual Mashgiach Conference at the Jewish Children’s Museum in Brooklyn, NY. Over 150 OK personnel and mashgichim were in attendance, including many from around the world.

Highlights of the Conference:

The OK honored two outstanding mashgichim – Rabbi Yonah Goldberg and Rabbi Levi Krinsky. Both rabbis were chosen for their dedication to upholding the rigorous kashrus standards set forth by the OK and their efforts to forge relationships with personnel in the companies they visit. The OK also recognized Rabbi Favish Moster, who was chosen by Kosherfest organizers as the Mashgiach of the Year from a pool of all of the mashgichim from all the different hechsherim.

Rabbi Levy, Kashrus Administrator, opened the conference with words of Torah and chizuk on the essential role of the mashgiach. Rabbi Levy Krinsky spoke about engaging and developing a relationship with company personnel and Rabbi Eli Lando continued that theme with his closing talk.

The conference featured a lavish buffet brunch and round table discussion led by Headquarters staff, allowing the rabbis discuss topics directly related to their area of work or personal interest and to interact with each other and ~ personnel.

Rabbi Chaim Fogelman, organizer of the conference, stated, “Our goal is to do kashrus without any compromise whatsoever. One of the best ways to accomplish this goal is bringing the mashgichim and office personnel together face to face.”

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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