90 Chareidi Soldiers Join IDF Intelligence Corps

idffThe 12th class of Binna B’Yarok is underway, a program that for who will be serving in the IDF Intelligence Corps. 90 chareidim are part of this new class and upon completion of their studies they will serve in various technical capacities in the intelligence community.

Chief Intelligence Officer Brigadier-General Eli Ben-Meir arrived at the Bakum induction center to greet the new recruits. He told them that he is confident that the years of study in a beis medrash will now benefit the IDF and that he is pleased to welcome them to the intelligence community. Ben-Meir added that without a doubt the frum soldiers are highly motivated and have a great deal of potential.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. He told them that he is confident that the years of study in a beis medrash will not benefit the IDF – WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?

  2. “He told them that he is confident that the years of study in a beis medrash will not benefit the IDF”
    Wow… That’s quite the “שלום עליכם”!

  3. Yet, these are still not the “charedim” the reshaim are after. These are like those 400 “charedim” who joined several months ago that in reality ended up a bluff, nothing more than regular religious boys.

  4. Something tells me that these 90 guys didn’t have “YEARS OF STUDY”. The odds are they weren’t succeeding in Yeshivah and this was a form of dropping out in order to get a job. The Chilonim probably look at this as a positive sign that their plan to induct the Yeshiva Velt will work. Obviously, they do not understand how deeply in-rooted Torah study is in our lives.

  5. There are bochurim and yungerleit who are looking for options to join the work field. They are or were successful in learning yet have reached a time of ‘dimishing returns’.

    There are army options available, some are 4 month courses for older men and 18month programs for young men. They receive training, educational internship and other means to then go on for parnassah.

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