White House Details Shutdown Costs

gsdFederal worker furloughs cost the government 6.6 million work days in last month’s partial government shutdown.

That’s according to the White House budget office.

Taxpayers will foot the $2 billion cost of providing back pay to the 850,000 workers sent home during all or part of the 16-day shutdown.

The Obama administration has already said the shutdown, and uncertainty over raising the government’s borrowing cap, will curb economic growth in this quarter.

The budget office says closing national parks cost communities $500 million in lost spending by visitors.

And the IRS delayed $4 billion in tax refunds and will have to delay next year’s filing season by up to two weeks.


2 Responses

  1. “Federal worker furloughs cost the government 6.6 million work days in last month’s partial government shutdown.”

    Make that “non essential” work days, since these employees were classified as non essential to begin with. If they are so non essential, why were they brought back.

    “That’s according to the White House budget office.”

    A bastion of integrity if there ever was one!

    “Taxpayers will foot the $2 billion cost of providing back pay to the 850,000 workers sent home during all or part of the 16-day shutdown.”

    So what. Taxpayers foot their salaries all the time! The Federal agencies are not private businesses.

    Another oddity not mentioned. Many of these furloughed workers collected unemployment from their respective states, and will not also get back pay! Thats our government working hard to prudently spend our tax dollars.

  2. “Many of these furloughed workers collected unemployment from their respective states, and will not also get back pay!”

    That should read, and will NOW collect….no edit feature here.

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