Kiryat Gat: Father Who Murdered His Son In Psychotic Fit Is Released From Custody

Scene of the crime in Kiryat Gat. (ZAKA)

Israel’s Attorney-General’s Office made a decision on Wednesday to suspend the criminal proceedings against the Chareidi father from Kiryat Gat who murdered his 14-year-old son in the course of a psychotic fit.

Deputy Attorney-General Adv. Amit Merri allowed the father to be released from custody on Wednesday evening without any restrictions.

Merri wrote that the decision was made “in light of the exceptional circumstances of the case, including the background of the execution of the offense, its tragic outcome and the personal circumstances of the defendant.”

After the shocking incident occurred in March, a police investigation found that the father was under the influence of illegal hallucinogenic drugs given to him by his therapist which caused him to enter a psychotic state.

He was hospitalized following the incident and was deemed unfit to stand trial even weeks afterward.

“The fact that the attorney-general decided to heed our request and in an unprecedented decision, order the termination of the legal proceedings against our client for murder, proves the validity of our claims from the beginning,” the father’s lawyers stated.

“The picture revealed in the case shows that the tragic murder was the direct result of of the father, a loving and normal family man, falling victim to a charlatan ‘therapist,’ who disgracefully exploited the weaknesses and distress of his patients and gave them – with unforgivable audacity and under the guise of medical treatment – hallucinogenic MDMA drugs – which according to the opinion of the district psychiatrist, led to a severe deterioration in the father’s mental state and a severe psychotic attack which led to the murder of his son.”

“Under these circumstances, it is clear that there is no reason to continue the legal proceedings against the father and instead everything possible must be done to prosecute the therapist for his responsibility for the murder of the child.”

The therapist has been indicted for criminal offenses, including export, import, trade, and supply of dangerous drugs.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. If theres an update on legal proceedings can we also get update on the poor man’s condition? May he merit a complete refua…

  2. YWN! Do you have a Jewish heart beating in you? Seriously why do you post such news? Its a tzaar for all of Klal Yisrael and you post it?!?!?!!? You should honestly be ashamed of yourselves. People who thrive on the tzaros of Klal Yisrael. So very shameful.

  3. IMHO this was a real outlier, brought on by drugs given to him as part of treatment by an unqualified quack. I would expect concurrent with this release that charges be brought against this quack and all other quacks operating in the frum community.
    A few years ago I tried to find Kosher Omega fish oil. I was quickly led down a path to get me to be a high level cog in a pyramid marketing scheme for Sage oil. I resisted, especially when I saw the product was sold unlabeled as to omega content and other info.

  4. Yes it is important to realize that not every thing the medical people give you is worth taking. Be careful and do not over do medicines…..

  5. I happen to be an unlicensed, self taught natural therapist. I tell this to people before they come to me. I also tell them that everything thing that I use is, more or less, safer than table salt, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fish oil, etc. I have helped hundreds of mostly children go off their ADHD medications. MDMA, also known as Ecstasy or Molly, is NOT a safe or benign substance. It is terrible. Assuming what is reported here is correct, the therapist should be brought to trial and prosecuted like any drug dealer. Especially when such a tragic and horrible outcome is involved.

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