IDF Continues Cracking Down on Illegal Outposts

dozerOn Tuesday, 2 Kislev 5774, the IDF destroyed three illegal structures in the Gush Etzion community of Bat Ayin. Security troops Wednesday morning arrived in the Maoz Esther outpost near Kochav HaShachar in the Binyamin Council region of Shomron.

A large combined force of police, IDF Civil Administration and soldiers arrived at Kochav HaShachar at about 08:30 on Wednesday. They were there to dismantle the nearby outpost again. It has been targeted by security forces many times in the past. The outpost is named after community resident Esther Galiya HY”D, murdered in an Arab terror attack.

The troops closed the access road to the outpost and construction equipment destroyed the three buildings, home to one couple and a number of single persons. Shortly after the security force left residents began plans to rebuild again.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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