6 Questions Posed to Rav Chaim Kanievsky re Elul and Yomim Nora’im

Credit: Shuki Lehrer

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

  1. Q: What is the halacha if one davened in a minyan in Elul with no shofar – must one seek another minyan or shul that has a shofar? Or is it just an obligation on the congregation, but not the individual?

A: It is proper to do so [find a minyan with a shofar].

[It is interesting to note that his father-in-law, Rav Elyashiv zt”l, held that it is an obligation on the congregation according to Rav Yoseph Shuv.]

PLEASE HELP: 2, possibly 3 girls, need to see a very good therapist. Insurance won’t cover the one recommended.


  1. Q: If one heard the shofar from a previous minyan before one davened – has he fulfilled his obligation?

A: Yes

  1. Q: If one is late for slichos – does he start at the beginning (while still reciting the 13 midos with the congregation) or should he just skip to where the congregation is holding?

A:  Whatever he desires [to do is adequate].

[Rav Chaim’s father zt”l, however, recited it with the tzibbur – See Orhos Rabbeinu Vol. II p. 167]

  1. Q: If one is davening in a minyan that says the slichos like the custom of Poland and your own custom is that of Lita – do you follow your own or do like the minyan?

A: Whatever he desires.

  1. Q: I had heard that Rav Shach zt”l was dealing a very significant matter relating to the Torah public that developed over Rosh haShana in which he had to have discussions with Rav Shlomo Lawrence. He had these discussions between the two sets of Rosh haShanay Tekiyos. Is this not considered a hefsek?

A:On the second set we do not recite a blessing – it is just that lechatchila we do not talk during this time.

  1. Q: On Yom Kippur, everyone recites their own bracha of shehecheyanu. Why is it that they do not hear it from the shliach tzibbur, as we do regarding Shofar and the Megillah?

A: Here it is more difficult to hear it from the shliach tzibbur. [YH: Ostensibly, this may be because the tzibbur is more crowded on Yom Kippur than on Purim or because it is at the bima and not the amud.]


These Q&As were posed in ’06 by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Shtzigel shlita and were printed in a sefer called “Doleh uMashkeh.”  He has over 2000 new rulings for a second volume. If anyone would like to assist in its publication, please contact the author of this column  at [email protected]  More questions can be found in this week’s 5tjt.com’s print edition – from the yet unpublished volume (hopefully).

PLEASE HELP: 2, possibly 3 girls, need to see a very good therapist. Insurance won’t cover the one recommended.


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