Biden Congratulates Wrong Guy In Boston Mayor Race

BidenWhen Marty Walsh won the Boston mayor’s race, Vice President Joe Biden was quick to pick up the phone to congratulate him.

But, there was a problem. The Marty Walsh who Biden had on the other end of the phone wasn’t the Marty Walsh who had been elected to succeed longtime Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.

The Marty Walsh who Biden had connected with was actually a former aide to the late U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy.

That Marty Walsh said before he could explain the mix-up, Biden launched into his congratulations, saying “Marty, you did it, you son of gun.”

Walsh, who said he has received misplaced calls for the other Marty Walsh in the past, said he quickly set Biden straight and passed along the cellphone number for the mayor-elect.

Walsh said Biden then jokingly congratulated him for not being mayor.

Biden’s office did not immediately return a call for comment Wednesday.


8 Responses

  1. Watch how quickly this story goes away.
    If this had been done by a Republican or even “worse”, by a conservative, it would be all over the liberal media for weeks or months as a top story, and you’d still be hearing about it ten years from now.

  2. What is this VP disease in America? Remember all of the dan quale gaffes? It seems that when someone becomes VP in the USA, their brain falls out of the head.

  3. Don’t know why all the comments here are negative. Biden is improving and showing minimal brain function. This was a minor gaffe in comparison to the chuck graham gaffe where biden asked graham, a paraplegic, to come up to the stage to “stand up and let the people see you.”

  4. Whereas Dan Quayle’s “potatoe” misspelling was resurrected by the media, themselves spelling-impaired, time and time again.

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