Shanghai Bais Yaakov: Does Anyone Know What Happened to Them?

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

It is called crowd-sourcing, and it is a very effective manner in getting recent history and information.  The topic is the Beis Yaakov in Shanghai during the war years.  The questions are- what was their post Shanghai history?  What did they or do they remember about their Bais Yaakov?  Were there any class pictures or other pictures?  Who did they marry?  When did they come to the United States?

Below we find a list of 14 people and their ages at the time this list was compiled.  Please send any information and/or corrections to the author at [email protected]

Rachel Alexander, 11

Leah Berman, 12

Sima Beracha, 13

Malka Zaitchek, 9

Leah Teller, 11

Chana Mamresh, 11

Rayna Meyer, 10

Leah Nathan, 13

Chava Friedman, 13

Chana Rosner, 13

Bayla Rosenzweigm 11

Bayla Shteinbach, 11

Tzviya Spiegel, 13

The author can be reached at [email protected]

One Response

  1. You left out Rus Kamelmoss between Chava Friedman and Chana Rosner.
    Also, based on the Yiddish spelling, I’d say that the first Leah is most likely Barman or Borman rather than Berman (an alef as opposed to an ayin) an the second Leah is Thaler (or Tahler), not Teller (again – an alef and not an ayin) and after her, Chana is Mammerosh (short a, short e, long o) not Mamresh.
    I’m also guessing that Bella (not Baila – no yud) is Rosenzweig without the m at the end of her last name.
    The last girl on the list is most probably Tzivya rather than Tzviya. Based on the spelling it could be either but at that time and even today outside of Dati Leumi circles, Tzivya is far more common that Tzviya.
    And yes – it would be fascinating to know what became of them!

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