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1:26AM EST: Today’s NY Times cover

NY Times BDB

1:25AM EST: 97% pf precincts reporting: Bill de Blasio delivered a smackdown victory by an historic 50% margin.

1:18AM EST: Here’s a video of Joe Lhota giving a short statement to the press, after publicly conceding the race to mayor-elect Bill de Blasio (via John Kenny):

12:32AM EST: BREAKING: Democratic candidate Chaim Deutsch is the declared winner of the heavily contested race for the 48th City Council District.

12:30AM EST: With 89% reporting, seems like Chaim Deutsch has won the 48th Council District, topping Republican David Storobin 54-39 percent.

12:15AM EST: CD32 – Still a close race in Queens. With 87% of precincts reporting, GOP council member Eric Ulrich of Queens is at 53%. His Dem opponent is at 47%. .

12:07AM EST: CD48 – With 62% precincts reporting, Storobin is trailing Deutsch by 460 votes.

12:00AM EST: CD44 – YWN declares David Greenfield the winner.

11:30PM EST: CD44 – Greenfield crushing Hayon 76-14

11:00PM EST: With 43% of precincts reporting, Proposal-1 is likely to be approved. Yes 55.3%, No 44.7%.

10:58PM EST: CD44 – With 20% reporting, David Greenfield leading with 86-14%

10:55PM EST: With 18% reporting, Deutsch leading Storobin 49-44

10:52PM EST: With 16% reporting, Chaim Deutsch took the lead in the 48th Council District. Chaim Deutsch is at 48.8%, Storobin at 46.1%.

10:50PM EST: City Councilmember Letitia James has been elected as New York City’s public advocate.

10:48PM EST: In his concession speech, Mr. Lhota urged his supporters to come together as one people. “The contest has been long and it’s been difficult. His success alone, however, commands my respect. I urge all New Yorkers in support of me, to join–in not just in congratulating Mayor-elect de Blasio–but offering our next mayor our goodwill,” he said.

10:32PM EST: CD48 – With 3% reporting, David Storobin is leading Democrat Chaim Deutsch 51-45

10:27PM EST: With 6% reporting, Councilman David Greenfield is crushing his opponent Joseph Hayon by 83-16.

10:15PM EST: Former Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer is elected as the next Comptroller of new York City. He’ll succeed John Liu come January 1st 2014.

Mr. Stringer will be the only Jewish elected official in a Citywide office.

“The people have spoken loud and clear tonight. We have the opportunity to chart a new course for this City,’ said Mr. Stringer in his acceptance speech.”

10:06PM EST: 4K-5K expected at de Blasio’s victory party tonight, tweets Emily Ngo

10:00PM EST: Governor Andrew Cuomo releases statement congratulating Mr. de Blasio for his historic win.

“Tonight New York City voters have opened an exciting new chapter in our State’s largest city with the election of incoming Mayor Bill de Blasio,” Mr. Cuomo said in a written statement. On a personal level, it is particularly gratifying to see Bill, a true friend and former colleague, win tonight. He has the experience to run New York City, a compelling vision for its future and he and his family epitomize the New York story. As New York City’s next Mayor, I know Bill will be a tremendous partner in moving this great City forward.”

9:56PM EST: Joe Lhota graciously concedes race, wishes Bill de Blasio success as elected mayor of New York City. “We are one City, one people, he told a room packed with cheering supporters.

9:40PM EST: Jewish voters made up 15% of the electorate, according to the The Times exit poll.

9:35PM EST: According to the NY Times exit poll, De Blasio got 57% of the Jewish vote, Lhota 40%. pretty close, considering the large gap among other ethnic groups and Mr. de Blasio’s name recognition.

9:30PM EST: Brooklyn DA Race – Ken Thompson tweets: Thank You


9:23PM EST: In first response, Joe Lhota’s campaign manager Jake Manges told reporters, Lhota ran a respected race, a race on the issues and the record of Bill de Blasio, but did not prevail because it was not a two-way street.

9:11PM EST: De Blasio’s campaign manager just email supporters:

“Hey —

The polls just closed.

It’s hard to believe. After all these months of hard work — the door knocks and phone calls, the forums and debates — this election’s over.

Before any official results come in, I just want to say this:

Thank you.

9:09PM EST: First round of exit polls: Bill de Blasio 73%, Lhota 24%

9:06PM EST: Bill de Blasio thanks New York City voters:


9:01PM EST: NY1 projects Bill de Blasio will win the mayoral race and become the 109th mayor of the City of New York

9:00PM EST: The polls have just closed in New York, and the hard fought races are over. Today the voters have spoken, and the results will soon be known. The major races of interest to our readership are who the next Mayor will be, the Public Advocate, City Comptroller, Brooklyn Boro President, Proposition 1 (to legalize gambling in New York), and of course the council races for the 44th District (Boro Park, and the race for the 48th District (Flatbush).

Also of interest to our readership is the race for Governor of New Jersey, as well as the race in Rockland County, NY (Ramapo).

Stay with YWN throughout the evening, as we will be bringing you the latest results in Election Day 2013.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. The dark days in nyc started already a few years ago from the effect that deblasio will become the next mayor in 2 months from now. To proof it, you can see the last week they shot Jews in williamsburg and not long ago a few shomrim members in boro park got shot and you can go on and on. So remember even if bad things happens when the government runs by the republicans you should always blame the democrats.

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