Flatbush Community Advocacy Group Responds To Criticism

stroFollowing the publishing of a press release earlier Tuesday from the Flatbush Community Advocacy Group (FCAG), the social site Twitter lit up with tweets by people questioning who the group is. YWN also published a press release by the Flatbush Community Rabbinical Alliance (FCRA), which blasted the FCAG for their endorsement of David Storobin, and going against the words of the local Rabbonim who endorsed Chaim Deutsch.

We now received the following (unedited) press release from the FCAG:

To the Flatbush Community:

The FCAG was recently formed by a dedicated group of concerned residents of Flatbush, who are not members of any organization, nor affiliated with any particular party. The FCAG was formed to coordinate efforts by disparate segments of the Jewish community in Flatbush to foster the growth and development of one of the fastest growing Jewish communities in the country. The FCAG plans to address many of the civic and communal challenges that face the Jewish residents of Flatbush, including safety, zoning, quality of life concerns and emerging political issues.

We are not intimidated by non-existant organizations such as the FCRA, which clearly was formed by an imaginary individual. The community has a right to decide whom to vote for, and we feel the best candidate for the Flatbush community is David Storobin. It’s interesting that many of the individuals who are pushing for Chaim Deutsch were ‘die-hard Storobin’ fans just two years ago. They all supported him, and now suddenly have all turned their backs on him.

The community was never given an opportunity to hear what Mr. Storobin has to offer, as no debate was ever done between Deutsch and Storobin.

We strongly endorse David Storobin for Councilman, and encourage all of you to run to the polls today, and vote for David Storobin for the 48th Council.

(Press Release / YWN Desk – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. this is turning into Israeli politics. so, now we have 2 groups advocating for the good of flatbush that nobody knows who they are, or what they stand for. as a resident of flatbush i would like to tell both groups, stop advocating for me and my neighbors, we never asked you to and would like you to stop.

  2. This group is a creation of the Storobin campaign. NZotice that there are no individual names associated with it. Why?

    The genuine organization the FLATBUSH JEWISH COMMUNITY COALITION published non partisan get out the vote ads with a list of names of dozens of community leaders.

    I know Chaim Deutsch and I know the Storobin campasign staff. My clear choice is Deutsch because he’s a frum Jew who’s worked for a City Councilmember, he founded Flatbush Shomrim, and he devotes all of his time to helping people in our community. We owe him a debt of gratitue for all his years of chessed.

    Now think sbout it and if you live in the 48th Council district, get out there and vote.

  3. The Democrats will destroy the quality of life that we had since Guiliani. They will just tax and spend while we are careful about our own personal household budgets. The Jewish community is hurting financially as is seen by the explosive use of Food Stamps at our Kosher markets. Children at our yeshivas are being asked to leave for non-payment. Where are the Rabbis to address this?
    Vote David Strobin to put a brake to the out of control Democrat controlled City Council.

  4. A lone Republican City Councilmember will get very little for the district and will have zero influence on legislation. No one will deny these facts.

    The Democrats have controlled City Council forever and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

  5. After the election the leaders of these 2 unknown organizations should make their names known to the public.

    FCRH and FCRA probably will disappear after tonight. I wonder who the contact person on the press releases was.

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