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Enchanting Prague Getaway– Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky & Rabbi Doniel Baron – November 13-17, 2013

bridge and city[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] 

The ultimate Getaway in the enchanting city of Prague! Nesivos has begun registration for its upcoming Getaway November 13-17, 2013 – geared for couples and adults.


Nesivos Tours has teamed up with two dynamic and world-renowned speakers to create the ultimate inspiring, relaxing, and rejuvenating Getaway vacation package. Rabbi Orlofky’s riveting lectures, down-to-earth personality and humor is the perfect match for Rabbi Baron who will guide us through Prague’s famous sites and interesting nooks-and-crannies and captivate us with fascinating Jewish historical insights. During this Getaway you’ll be treated to stimulating lectures and informal discussions, touring Prague’s breathtaking sites, experiencing Prague’s ancient Jewish quarter, visiting the famous Theresienstadt – the “model” concentration camp, davening at the kevarim of the Maharal and Kli Yakar, enjoy fresh and delicious gourmet Kosher L’Mehadrin meals,

4 star hotel, spend must-needed downtime time with friends, a special Melava Malka program and much more. And then there’s Shabbos…Shabbos in Prague is an awe-inspiring experience that you will not want to miss! Walking into the over 600 year old Maharal-Altenu Shul during Kabbalas Shabbos and hearing the tefillos and lecha dodi echo through the thick ancient walls is a one-of-a-kind moment you will never forget! Our beautiful hotel is only a few blocks to the Jewish Quarter, Prague’s historic OldTown and great shopping centers. Motzei Shabbos includes a special Melava Malka program with a powerful and moving siyum as a finale for this unforgettable Getaway!


Registration is open and people are already booking their flights – don’t miss out – reserve your space today. Contact Nesivos/Jewish Legacy Tours: In the US: 718-407-4447  In Israel: 972-54-528-1991, Fax. in Israel: 972-2-652-6646, email: [email protected] /


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