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‘Flatbush Community Rabbinical Alliance’ Slams ‘Flatbush Community Advocacy Group’ For Storobin Support

fcraA press release just recieved by YWN from the “Flatbush Community Rabbinical Alliance” slams the “Flatbush Community Advocacy Group”, for their earlier support of David Storobin, in the race for the 48th Council District.

The press release reads:

“The Flatbush Community Rabbinical Alliance was pained to learn that an unheard of before organization issued a press release supporting David Storobin. It has been advertised in numerous publications that leading Rabbonim in Flatbush have endorsed Chaim Deutsch for Councilman, and no one has any permission to have any other opinion. The word of the Rabbonim is final. You must vote for Chaim Deutsch. He has a proven record of helping people for more than 20 years, and we pray that he will continue to help us for many more years as a city councilman.

We demand that those who formed the Flatbush Community Advocacy Group cease their operations, and close down immediately. Any organization must first be approved by the Flatbush Community Rabbinical Alliance.

We have reached out to the leading community activists, including the esteemed leaders of the Flatbush Jewish Community Council (FJCC), to deal with this burning issue of unauthorized organizations being formed.

In closing we once again urge everyone to run to the polls, and vote for Chaim Deutsch.

(Press Release / YWN Desk – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. right…. you can’t open a organization with out rabunim. because who will make sure that it is “al pi torah” .
    and again go out and vote for chaim

  2. Yeshiva World- I think someone might be playing you.

    “no one has any permission to have any other opinion”

    “deal with this burning issue of unauthorized organizations being formed”

    These statements are so over the top and ridiculous that I think someone from the other side is playing you- did you confirm that this statement is legitimate?

  3. about time someone pout those jokers into their places. chaim deutsch is the key to all our problems. doesn’t anyone else realize that?

    get out and vote for Paladino now.

  4. “no one has any permission to have any other opinion”
    “You must vote for Chaim Deutsch”
    Is this a joke?
    You are not allowed to have another opinion?
    You MUST vote for him?

  5. “must”
    Whats that suppost to mean.
    Make your point & let everyone decide for themselves.
    Are we gona throw anyone out of Kollel if they dont vote for Chaim?
    He doesnt have the votes & seems to be real desperate now.
    ??”Must”?? wow.

  6. There is no Flatbush Jewish Advocacy Group. It seems to be a creation on paper and in cyberspace of the Storobin campaign. Has anyone heard of them prior to this week?

    The same goes for the Flatbush Community Rabbinical Alliance. Another imaginary group

    There is a Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition which urges people to vote, but is apolitical and endorses no particular candidate. The individual members favor the candidates that will be the best for our community.

    Get out there and vote

  7. What is wrong with everyone? We have an alliance of Rabbonim – we must listen to them! If we don’t trust our Rabbanim, who do we trust??

  8. If you do not vote for Chaim, the Rabbis will forbid you from eating potato kugel this Shabbos. Keep it up and they will forbid you from the chulent as well.

    This article is definitely a prank.

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