Toronto Mayor Admits To Smoking Crack

tormSpeaking to reporters at Toronto City Hall, Ford said that he’s smoked in the past, but he is not an addict.

“Yes I have smoked crack cocaine. But I am not an addict,” he said. “Have I tried it? Probably in one of my drunken stupors,” he said.

Ford said he smoked it about a year ago.

“I’ve made mistakes, all I can do now is apologize and move on.”

The bombshell revelation comes days after Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair said police had recovered a video that’s been reported in the media as showing the mayor smoking from a crack pipe.

Ford said there were a “couple of isolated incidents” when he’s been in a “drunken stupor.”

He called on Blair, once again, to release the video.

“I don’t’ even recall there being a tape and a video. So I want to see the state that I was in. I don’t know what else I can say.”

(Source: CTV News)

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