Rav Elyashiv zt”l on Sheitel Lengths – watch at 2:05

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

Aside from the issue of Avodah Zarah, it seems from this video that Rav Elyashiv zt”l held that sheitels are:

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a] permitted when modest

b] are forbidden when very long (see two minutes and five seconds into the video)

It is difficult, however, to draw clear conclusions, as some people claim that Rav Elyashiv zt”l may have only referred to sheitels from one hundred years ago.

The author can be reached at [email protected]


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7 Responses

  1. there are two issues here:
    1 covering the woman’s hair, here her hair is covered.
    2. modesty is relative to each group and each person. there is absoulte modesty, and here she has covered up her erva. But she is attractive, so is that immodest? does a woman have to walk with a shawl or burka?

  2. Unfortunately things which were once pashut now need to be verified with videos from gedolei hador in order for people to listen… At least we have such a video, Baruch HaShem.

  3. kugel- if a woman dresses in a way that draws attention to herself and is not understated it is against the torah according to every legit rosh yeshiva and posek that exists

  4. Women need to keep in mind that as much as they may consider Tzniyus personal, it also affects people around them and they are responsible to follow the standards of their communities.

  5. IBJ: you is correct. modesty is not just covering certain areas, it also means not attracting undue attention to one’s self.

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