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When the Arab Viewpoint Overrules Democratic Rules of Play

tibiThe defenders of Zionism hold the values of Knesset in high regard, viewing the Israeli parliament as the bastion of the Jewish democratic nation. As a deputy speaker of the Knesset, MK (Ra’am-Ta’al) Dr. Ahmed Tibi had an opportunity to fill the role, acting as Knesset speaker, on Monday, 1 Kislev 5774.

Shas MK Nissim Ze’ev was standing at the podium, opting to address the alarming increase in the number of Jewish women who fall prey to Arab men only to find themselves held captive at some stage of their lives. Unwilling to hear what Ze’ev had to say, Tibi ordered Ze’ev off the podium to silence him.

Ze’ev began addressing the new law which has increased the minimum marriage age from 17 to 18. From there he addressed the Arab men who entrap Jewish girls. Ze’ev also came under attack from Arab MKs as well as their staunch Jewish representatives of the Meretz party.

Tibi extended Ze’ev’s speaking time to make up for lost time during the shouts and interruptions. Tibi commented on his remarks, to which Ze’ev stated “it appears my comments do not find favor with Dr. Tibi” after which Tibi ousted him from the podium.

A Knesset watchdog organization condemned Tibi for abusing his post to promote his personal opinion at the expense of silencing a fellow parliamentarian. The organization plans to file a complaint with the Knesset Ethics Committee, requesting that Tibi be removed from the list of deputy speakers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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