Important update on Alta, Supreme Court rejects the family’s appeal

UK Supreme Court REJECTS the family’s appeal to save Alta. The family will be appealing to the European human rights court, the legal fees continue to mount and the parents are unable to work. This is the family’s LAST OPTION R”L. Please open your heart and donate.

About the case:

Alta was born in December 2018.

Tragically, Alta lacked oxygen at birth and despite doctors declaring she wouldn’t survive more than several hours, she miraculously did.

Alta’s parents spent day and night at her bedside. And according to the doctors, as a direct result of this love and care, Alta began gaining strength. There were hopes Alta may come home but complications delayed a special homecoming.

A High Court judge ruled that life-sustaining treatment should be withdrawn in preference for palliative care in Alta’s best interests. In the judge’s opinion, the child is not Jewish as she has not had a chance to practice her religion!

The family is in desperate need of funds to pay for legal fees. The parents are unable to work due to the situation. Please open your heart and donate.

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