IN BROAD DAYLIGHT: Israeli Woman Gets Carjacked By Arabs While Stuck In Traffic Jam Near Checkpoint

A woman who resides in the South Hebron Hills region of Judea was on her way home from work on Sunday, and was stopped in a traffic jam near the Meitar checkpoint. While on line to cross the checkpoint her car was rammed by a Palestinian vehicle. The occupants of the Palestinian vehicle exited their car, forcibly pulled the Israeli driver out of her car, turned the car around, and proceeded to drive it into Palestinian territory.

The Palestinian car thieves and assailants threw the woman to the ground before making off with her car. The Israeli woman was taken by EMS teams to Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheba with light injuries.

According to reports in the Israeli media, the Municipal Council of the Southern Hebron Hills has been complaining to the Defense Ministry for years about the security problems created by the Meitar checkpoint due to the backup of traffic it causes.

Ari Udes is the secretary for the town of Tene Omarim, the southernmost town in that region of Judea and the closest to the checkpoint. Udes arrived at the checkpoint just minutes after the incident occurred in order to assist. He told the media, “Not a single person in the hundreds of Palestinian cars that were there got out to assist the Israeli woman. We are stuck in this situation in which day after day there is a large traffic jam here. This is a dangerous situation for all the people who use this checkpoint and we demand an immediate solution from the government to fix this problem.”

Head of the Southern Hebron Hills Regional Council, Yochai Dimri said: “For years we have been warning that something like this would happen if the issue of the traffic jam by the checkpoint wouldn’t be solved. The fact that a miracle took place and this woman wasn’t killed, means that we need to deal with this daily traffic jam as a security issue and a serious one. We need to fix this.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. “A woman who resides in the South Hebron Hills region of Judea…”

    Translation: In the “settlements”, where Rav Shach ruled that it’s forbidden to live, as living there is a “hisgarus gasa biUmos haOlam”. This woman was attacked by these savages in the “West Bank”, not in Green-Line Israel.

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