DRAMATIC RULING: Israel’s Supreme Court Repeals Law Banning Same-Gender Surrogacy

Court in ISRAEL

Israel’s Supreme Court on Sunday ruled that the current law banning same-gender couples and single men from filing surrogacy requests must be repealed within six months.

The current Surrogacy Law, which excludes same-gender couples and single men from filing for a surrogacy arrangement, was deemed unconstitutional by the court about a year and a half ago. Last year, the court ruled that the government must amend the law by March 1. The government requested and was granted several extensions to the deadline.

However, last week, the Bennett-Lapid government informed the court that due to the makeup of the current coalition [since Ra’am would leave the government if any same-gender laws are advanced], there is no possibility of amending the Surrogacy Law, and requested that the court reach a decision on the matter. This was a surefire way to reach the decision the court reached today since the court’s liberal rulings are well-known.

The court also ruled that the state must pay NIS 30,000 to the plaintiffs for legal fees.

The decision is a dramatic one as a legal battle over the issue has been taking place since 2010, when two left-wing activists filed a petition to the Supreme Court. However, the presence of the Chareidi and Religious Zionist parties in the coalition precluded the repeal of the law.

“The state has done nothing for over a year to promote appropriate legislative amendment, and therefore the court has ruled that the continuing serious violation of human rights caused as a result of the existing surrogacy arrangement cannot be remedied and operative relief must be granted to petitioners,” the ruling states.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz quickly responded with statements praising the decision. Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz called a press conference and promised to implement the Supreme Court decision exactly as written, adding that the ministry is already beginning to prepare now.

Shas leader Aryeh Deri responded to the announcement by stating: “The decision of the Supreme Court is another severe blow to the Jewish identity of the state of Israel. The majority of the people want to preserve Jewish tradition and family values.”

Religious Zionist party chairman Betzalel Smotrich stated: “This government, together with the Supreme Court, has indicated its goal – the erosion of the Jewish character of the state of Israel. We survived those who sought to harm Judaism for thousands of years. We’ll also survive Lapid, Lieberman and Bennett.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. since Ra’am would leave the government if any same-gender laws are advanced Go for it & topple this filthy wicked government.
    In 67 days at יום-כיפור מנחה we are shall again be reminded that any such lifestyle is תועבה and who cares what wicked supreme court feels about it.

  2. We bear responsibility for the morality of our collective people-and that matters more than davening Shachris or covering your hair.
    Go through the Torah Parsha by Parsha and go through Navi sefer by sefer
    Do we really wish to be forced back into exile again because of these perverted political and judicial systems?!

  3. On top of all that, it is also a violation of the Israeli so called Constitution-for what it’s worth.
    Can anyone claim these people should be treated as our brothers and sisters somehow still?

  4. I wonder why Bennet wears that funny little thing on his head. He certainly is not identifying with Yahadut. After the Har Nof tragedy he was seen wearing Tallit and Teffilin: was that the last time he donned them? This is absolutely absurd. The arab countries could never do this yet the country that officially identifies as Jewish can. Curious why the yeshiva bachurs aren’t demonstrating. Isn’t this worse than the train line?

  5. Bennett is an evil wicked rasha. This lowlife dog was never “religious” and that’s why he davka married a cheloni as a wife. No Shabbos in his home. Nothing.

  6. they waited for Of course this new gov’t as the last gov’t with all its faults would have swiftly overturned a ruling like this and revealed to the public what a mockery the court and protocols are

  7. Israel, the world’s only Jewish state, is a sort of weird hybrid of Singapore and Sodom..
    Jews who were murdered in sanctification of G-d’s name did not pray for an Israel that would transform the world with its “exported television formats.” Even Herzl did not fantasize about a Jewish state that would be a “global leader in gay rights.”

  8. It’s funny, Halacha doesn’t recognize the Israeli Supreme court at all. They’re morally and legally equivalent to a bully in the schoolyard, where surely no one’s required to listen, though sometimes they’ll try to “get you back” if you don’t.

  9. Corona?
    And what about the most recent tragedies – what occurred in Meron and now in Florida?
    Why are people so blind to the fact that the descent of morality and most important the descent of morality, ethics, and lack of Shmiras Hamitzvos among the Am Hanivchar is fueling Hashem’s anger, and bringing tzara after tzara.

  10. the filth is about all I can say___Hashem will punish this law___i am handing in my name now to make sure I am not obliterated___i care only for the MEN and WOMEN, children of boys and girls that Hashem created what withers in the rest of these soul less filth makes no difference they are not connected or cultured as human beings__

  11. Has anyone here ever seen any issur in the Torah regarding BEING gay? I haven’t. The issur is engaging in homosexual activity.
    That said, I think it is disgraceful to have a pride parade in E”Y or any other such public displays. But regarding gay people hiring a surrogate, being that I doubt any of you had actually witnessed gay activity, don’t you think we have an obligation to be דן לכף זכות? If so, you have two men or two women who live together and want to raise a child. That’s it. How is that תועבה? Calling Bennet a רשע and making all kinds of accusations against him are probably worse than sharing an apartment with a person of the same sex.

  12. yanky55

    Chullin 92 see commentary
    States absolutely clearly that recognizing the relationship even is destruction of world and every nation

    so it’s okay to be publicly part of a mob Family Group even if you don’t actually murder ?

    as for your second Post- Balderdash
    he was vehement vociferous against as much as anyone
    called them criminals
    especially after they coalesced into a movement

  13. yanky55

    Chullin 92 see commentary
    States absolutely clearly that recognizing the relationship even is destruction of world and every nation
    so it’s okay to be publicly part of a mob Family Group even if you don’t actually murder

    as for your second Post- Balderdash
    he was vehement vociferous against
    called them criminals

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