HaRav Mazuz: “The State Rebelled Against Elokim, It Has No Right To Exist”

HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz (Photo: Ezra Trabelsi)

HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz, Rosh Yeshivas Kisei Rachamim, slammed the Bennett-Lapid government during his weekly shiur on Motzei Shabbos, saying that the government has no zechus for its existence since it rebelled against Hashem.

“The Reform are the enemies of Hashem – this whole government is such,” HaRav Mazuz said.

“They want to give the Reform a place by the Kosel, they want to the buses to run on Shabbos. This state doesn’t have a right to exist. Yisrael rebelled against its Elokim.”

“What do we need to do? We can only daven,” the Rosh Yeshivah concluded.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. B’mechilas k’vod haRav, I don’t understand the sudden new condemnation of the always-has-been Chareidi-hating secular anti-G-d Israeli government. The only thing that changed is that we religious yidden and our leaders have fallen from the G-dly heights of yesteryear, and we are not zoche anymore to have the secular self-hating Jewish State bend to our wishes to maintain the “jewish flavor” in the land by “respecting” the religious way of life. It is we that deserve new condemnation, not they. They always wanted this, and we were zoiche to be able to temper their desires. Now we aren’t great enough for that zechus.
    So please don’t mislead your talmidim with angry rhetoric, and instead help them recognize Klal yisrael’s shortcomings, and urge them to re-achieve that greatness through yegia b’limud hatorah

  2. Right. So lets turn over the government to Hamas and/or Hezbolah or even better, invite the Supreme Leader of Iran to move into the PM’s residence. Unless he is speaking metaphorically, I’m not sure what he is saying.

  3. Over 4,200 rockets were fired at us. We weren’t supposed to exist, but we existed. We were suppose to have mass thousands of casualties, but we still exist. We were supposed to be burned to the ground, but Hashem did not allow it. You know why? Not one Jew in the shelters had time to blame one another, rather lend a hand to one another. There is something way deeper,

  4. Actually Peleg rebelled against Elokim by abandoning their Seder in Yeshiva to go & cause mass disturbances, so please let’s get our facts factually correct.

  5. Nothing Rav Mazuz said should be controversial in the slightest. The Rav is a great supporter of the State of Israel. Much like Yeshaya, Yirmiyah and Yechezkel, he is fearful that the government’s anti-Torah behaviour will not bode well for the State’s security and existence. There is no misleading, angry rhetoric. We all need to daven that Hashem protects our Israeli brothers and sisters, especially in a time such as this.

  6. The govt is nothing but a stick in the hand of HKBH. Us frum Jews need to step up and reinvigorate our relationship with the Ribono Shel Olam. All the superficial avodah is taking its toll. We’re becoming more materialistic every year with the fancy chasana’s, the huge increase in kosher restaurants, the expensive Succos and Pesach vacation, massive spending on more and more. This puts a barrier between us and our creator. We shouldn’t worry about the govt. We need to turn away from all the gashmius and gaava and external circumstances will take care of themselves.

  7. He forgot to mention the gay parades in various cities in Israel. And the tattoo shops and pork stores.

  8. What’s the hiddush. The zionists announce their rebellion over a century ago, and took control of the government over 70 years ago.

  9. There is so much in Eretz Yisroel that leaves room for improvement. But especially during the 3 Weeks, I think we should talk positively about our brethren. We have 49 other weeks to criticize….

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