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HaMevaser Begins the Apology Process

2Last week YWN-ISRAEL provided some background on today’s Belz boycott of HaMevaser and Shlomei Emunim. The machlokes reached a pinnacle in the Beit Shemesh election when Shlomei Emunim wanted the Belz slot on the chareidi ticket, and ultimately running independently in the election. Belz has since announced it is boycotting the Shlomei Emunim faction and its newspaper, HaMevaser, instructing chassidim to cancel subscriptions.

This has resulted in an apology appearing in HaMevaser, one that some feel is too little and too vague.

Time will tell if the Belz community in Beit Shemesh is going to accept the indirect printed apology or not.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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