Personality Tests: A Halachic Analysis

y Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

They are used all over and their use is growing.

Personality tests have become so ubiquitous that it is now a two billion dollar industry in the United States alone and some estimate that it is actually a four billion dollar industry.   Some people swear by them, while others say that they are totally inaccurate.  Regardless, some 40% of American businesses use these tests for hiring and beyond.

There is the Color Code Test, perhaps the most commercially successful personality test, which even some shadchanim use to make shidduchim.  There is Gretchen Rubin’s, “The Four Tendencies Quiz” – which helps identify the tendencies of test-takers and helps others understand them better.  There is the growingly popular, “16 Personalities Assessment”, there is the “Enneagram Test” which looks like it is straight out of an Avodah Zara cult, and then there is the Hexaco test which has, by and large, replaced the Five Factor tests – which traditionally have been the tests that scientists like most.  There was also the famous Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) psychometric test which was given to people back in the 80’s to help them determine career choices – and more.  All of these tests are still a matter of great debate and controversy in the scientific community.

But what does halacha say on the topic?  May employers and people in management positions use information obtained from such a test to impact a person in one’s employ negatively?  Should a person be glossed over for a new position or project because of the results of a personality test?

*** Please help a struggling family in need if you can.***


Chazal tell us (Aicha Rabbasi 2:13) that if someone tells us that there is wisdom in secular sources – believe him.   This does not mean, however, that pseudo-sciences should be used.  We see from the words of the Shulchan Aruch (OC 618:4) that we generally follow the majority consensus view in most matters and that would be the same here. That would make the case for Hexaco and would dismiss the Enneagram.


It is obvious that one may never use general tests to harm someone specifically or individually.  For example, it would be absolutely forbidden to fire someone, even in a work-at-will state such as New York, based upon his or her personality type that indicates that they are more likely to be dishonest than others.

This would be a violation of the pasuk in Vayikrah (19:15)– “b’tzedek tishpot es amisecha – with justice shall you judge your peer.”  This refers not just to a judge but to judging others as well (See Shavuos 30a see further Teshuva Rivash #46 and #47, Rosh 4:3 and other Rishonim).   It can often be a violation of the posuk (Vayikrah 25:17) admonishing against causing pain to others – lo sonu ish es amito (See CM 228).

Thie general concept can be further seen from the words of the Tur in Choshain Mishpat 36 regarding his explanation of the Rabbinic enactment of Bar Metzra – that the parameters are to be guided by “v’asisa hatov v’hayashar” not to harm the seller for the benefit of the would be buyer.


Even going beyond the exact halacha, however, there may be another fascinating concept.  As we know, Chazal teach us (Shabbos 133b) that we should constantly strive to imitate the midos of Hashem.  The Gemorah tell us, “ma hu rachum af atta rachum – mah hu chanun af attah chanun – just as He is merciful so should you be merciful – just as He is kind so should you be kind.”  Rav Yisroel Salanter stated that this should be done in whatever matters come up in life.

In Sefer Dvarim 2:3, we find the pasuk, “You have circled this mountain long enough” directly before the admonition not to attack the descendents of Aisav. The Midrash Rabbah (Dvarim 1:17) explains that the word “enough” that is used here correlates to the word “I have enough” that Aisav employed when Yaakov tried to give a gift to Aisav.  Hashem said, “Since Aisav honored Yaakov with this word, I shall use this word to turn away from [attacking] Aisav.  The Maharzav explains that Aisav wished to prevent Yaakov from suffering the anguish of losing money.  Since Aisav wished to prevent tzaar – anguish from Yaakov – Hashem commanded the children of Yaakov not to cause Tzaar to the children of Aisav.  But we may ask:  Why should Aisav receive reward for this prevention of tzaar?  He was the one that caused the entire episode by bringing 400 men to kill Yaakov in the first place!

We must say that Hashem judges and rewards people by each act separately – not taking into account even actual actions.  The previous act was separate.  Now, a new situation had arisen and Aisav acted properly.  Hashem rewarded him for it.  If this is true in regard to actual acts that were done, how much more so should we not act negatively on personality tests.

This is not to say, however, that we should not use information from such tests to give greater opportunity to those who perform well.  There is a difference between negative action and a lack of a positive one.  We should be aware of this distinction.


This author would like to suggest, however, that some of these tests can be implemented positively.  There is, of course, a Mitzvah of helping others – known as v’ahavta larayacha kamocha – Love your neighbor as yourself. Rabbi Akiva stated that this is one of the primary rules of Torah – zeh klal gadol baTorah.  As parents, Rebbeim and Morahs, for example, we should be looking out for the spiritual growth of our children and students.  There are so many stories of how people have been inadvertently turned off to Torah precisely by those who so much want to bring people toward Torah.

One wonders if, perhaps, extra insights into people could be effective in ensuring their total growth.  Gtretchen Rubin’s, “The Four Tendencies Quiz” might be enormously instructive here. The quiz deals with how people respond to outlooks, or hopes and expectations — both those of ourselves and of others. She separates the results into four groups: a] upholders, b] obligers, c] questioners and d] rebels.  Although it may seem a bit out of the box, should mechanchim, say, on a lark administer this test to gain better insight into their students?  If done playfully it could possibly be a very effective means of reaching out to others.

*** Please help a struggling family in need if you can.***

The author can be reached at [email protected]

3 Responses

  1. Wouldn’t it be simpler, cheaper, and just as accurate to throw dice or to cast lead? Or to consult the Magic 8-Ball?

  2. another hiring tip: hire people belonging to a “victim” group, high up on the “intersectionality” ladder at your own risk!

  3. The author’s dismissal of the enneagram system looking like it is straight out of an Avodah Zara cult would rather suggest that he has not adequately studied the subject – or has gleaned his info from a derivative source that uses add-ons as developmental aids, but they are not part of the original system. The origins of this system are not known, but the first mention I have found of a similar system is in Ibn Ezra. The system of 3x3x3 was quite widespread in antiquity.
    As a rule of thumb, the ruling of the Zohar that even astrological-based systems, such a physiognomy and palmistry are permitted in order to correct one’s naure; and likewise the Rashba cited in Darchei Mosheh that for medical purposes they are also permitted (eg as diagnostic tools, or in the collection of herbs).

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