ISRAELS NEW GOVERNMENT: For 1st Time, On Yair Lapid’s Order: “Pride Flag” Flown At Foreign Ministry

Photo: Foreign Ministry

Israel’s new Foreign Minister Yair Lapid issued an order on Monday for the pride flag to be flown from the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem to mark Pride Month.

“For the first time ever, I ordered this morning to fly the pride flag from the Foreign Ministry to mark the events of Pride Month,” Lapid stated.

“The Foreign Ministry and its employees set an example of tolerance, fraternity, and freedom.”

Idan Roll, a member of Lapid’s party Yesh Atid who is now serving as the Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Minister, is gay.

“Flying the pride flag proudly alongside the Israeli flag at the Foreign Ministry is an important message nationally and internationally,” Roll said.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. The Foreign Ministry and its employees set an example of tolerance, fraternity, and freedom.” Not only is the foreign ministry not setting an example of tolerance, but they actually are setting an example of מרים ידו נגד השם Lifting their hand up against G-d!! Quite literally.
    השם the אדון הכל declared this a תועבה hence it is absolutely inconsequential what lapid ימח שמו וזכרונו feels is the nice appellation for this heinous act.

  2. Although I am neither Satmar nor Brisk, I must admit that evidently the TRUE COLORS of Theadore Herzl’s country are coming out in public.

  3. This is totally disgusting. It’s against the Torah . I find this so offensive. What is the message we are sending out. Lapid sounds like a total as—-e.

  4. To all modox people who say “Why dont those lazy bochrim go to the Tzeva?” this is why. You will be fighting for toieva, not for Hashem. Freedom and democracy leads to chaos.

  5. The message that it will set internationally is that Israel has strayed so far from its values as people of the book to being people who openly glorify sodomy.

  6. Oh for goodness sake…
    He’s a secular man running a secular government agency, what do you expect?!
    Perhaps if the Charedi parties and Likud actually worked effectively in government rather than spending all their time making shady deals and preventing State commissions into the Meron massacre they would still be in power, and could fly whatever coloured flag they wanted.

  7. The Rainbow is a humble reminder that if not for Hashem’s promise, their abdominal acts are deserving of another Mabul.

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