UTJ, Shas, Likud File No-Confidence Bill Against “Gov’t Established On Lies”

The heads of the parties of the new government meet on Sunday, June 13, 2021. (Photo: Ariel Zandberg)

A no-confidence motion against the Bennett-Lapid government was filed by United Torah Judaism and Shas on Wednesday.

“For the first time in the history of Israel, a government has been founded that views Yahadus as an obstacle, as a superfluous weight that needs to be removed,” the bill states.

Likud chair MK Miki Zohar also submitted a no-confidence motion in the Knesset against the new government on Wednesday on behalf of all the opposition parties.

The bill states that the government was established on lies and fraud and does not have a mandate from the public.

The bills will be voted on next week but are unlikely to garner enough votes to be passed.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Government founded on lies? “No tricks, No shtick”, remember that?? What a bunch of sore losers!! Instead of regrouping and trying to win over the public they are acting like a bunch of little children.

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