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8 Employees Get Thyroid Cancer: Bezeq Says ‘Coincidence’

bezeqBezeq says it is a coincidence but workers on the 13th floor of the Triangle Azriel Tower in Tel Aviv are not buying it. Eight of 20 workers who were at one time stationed in the same office, working at one-another’s side, have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. When the experts were questioned, endocrinologists and oncologists report the national average for thyroid cancer in men and women is a half-to-one percent. On the 13th floor of the Bezeq facility, that numbers stands at 20%, far above the national average.

Eight of the employees from the 13th floor were diagnosed with thyroid cancer, compelling them to demand that Bezeq inspect the workplace for radiation leaks. Bezeq officials interviewed by Channel 10 News explain they did just that, and the results were negative, insisting the workplace was not responsible.

Some of the employees were angered by statements to the press made by a physician hired by Bezeq, explaining in reality, the cause of the radiation was removed before any testing was done as Bezeq “dumped a lot of the equipment some time ago.”

Azriel Tower officials simply point to the findings of the Bezeq experts, explaining there are no signs of radiation in the structure. For the employees and their families, it is clear that something on the 13th floor exposed the employees, leading to the alarming high percentage of people diagnosed with the illness.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Let’s see: thyroid cancer rate is 1% among general population and 40% in bezeq office. That’s a heckuva coincidence to increase the rate 40x.

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