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Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Attacks Marriage Registration Reform

yyoRishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef has come out against the passing of the marriage registration reform.

Speaking at the ceremony at the President’s Residence on Thursday, 27 Cheshvan 5774 during which the rabbonim of the Chief Rabbinate Council affirmed their oath of office, the chief rabbi warned of the dangers of the new marriage registration reality.

Rav Yosef explained that by liberalizing the registration process, “The law is hampering Chief Rabbinate efforts to safeguard Kedushas Am Yisrael”.

Interestingly, among the major supporters of the bill is Deputy Minister Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan who was both the director-general of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel for many years as well as the bureau chief for HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT”L. However, it appears in this case Rabbi Ben-Dahan prefers the Tzohar Rabbonim approach over the position of gedolei yisrael in the chareidi and dati leumi camps along with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

Rabbi Yosef adds “The law represents a major blow to the institute of rabbonus in Eretz Yisrael”.

During the ceremony, President Shimon Peres congratulated the rabbonim and opted to speak out against violence. Peres called on the rabbonim to condemn Jewish violence against both Muslim and Christian Arabs, whether it is directed. He called on the rabbis to condemn the so-called price tag attacks against mosques and monasteries.

In his remarks at the ceremonious event Deputy Minister of Religious Services Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan stated that the five year term the rabbis are embarking upon will not be the same as the five year term that preceded it. Ben-Dahan boasted his marriage registration reform, commenting that this was just the beginning of a broad sweeping religious reform plan his party has in store.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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