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Being a Jew: It All Comes Down to IDF Service

idffLike it or not, in the eyes of many in Israel, service in the IDF is the litmus test for being viewed as a good Jew. While rabbonim are concerned over an increase mamzerus chas v’sholom, the Bayit Leumi party continues to shout “success” over this week’s passing of the new marriage registration bill.

Backed by its coalition blood brother Yesh Atid, Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid are all smiles over the new bill, which removes some restrictions surrounding the pre-marriage registration process.

Deputy Minister of Religious Services Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan recently stated this is just the beginning, as the party plans widespread reforms to make the Chief Rabbinate and halacha more “friendly” to all Israelis, following the lead of the Tzohar Rabbonim.

With the passing of the bill this week, Yair Lapid stated “We cannot have a situation in which one serves [in the IDF] and is not permitted to get married, referring to the to’eva community.

He added “we would not see sharing the burden and suddenly there is this law. You try one, you try twice and you succeed in passing this law.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Conclusion: Lapid and Bennett must be mamzerim themselves if they don’t see anything wrong with this bill.

    Outcome: If this bill goes into effect all the chilonim will be regarded as immoral Jews “living in sin” and looked down upon by religious Jews.

  2. The litmus test of being a good Jew is being Shomrei Mitsvos – all 613 of them – no more (no extra “tests” such as playing soldier, or supporting liberal social programs, or eating bagels and lox, or being good on standardized tests) – and no less (no skipping selected mitsvos because they are inconveneint or unfashionable or uncool).

    Anyone who says otherwise is “Off the derekh”. Indeed, that is probably the definition of “off the derekh.”

  3. You should be ashamed of yourselves and ask Mechila from all religious jews who serve in the IDF. To combine 2 totally unrealted stories into one is the worst kind of journalism. I dont know what point your staff was trying to make but it was inexcusable.

  4. “Reshoyim gemurim the zionists.”

    Without the Zionist army all the Charedim in Eretz Yisrael would be dead at the hands of the Arab rashayim gamurim.

  5. The shmad that is Zionism is so in-your-face, yet people still don’t see it. As Rav Chaim Brisker recognized around a century ago, long before 1948, Zionism was and is intended to replace the Jewish nation and faith with the Hebrew/Zionist Nation.

    With this in mind, Lapid’s statement makes perfect sense. Jewish religious values are not merely an impediment to him; they are wholly irrelevant. Therefore, he cannot fathom how this could be that an IDF soldier could be denied any rights in Israel, the Zionist State.

  6. Charlie:
    Since we follow the Torah, and the Torah obviously takes issue with the idolatrous den of immorality that is the IDF, your statement cannot possibly be true.

    Regardless of the present reality, however, your statement belies the plain history that has been rewritten by Zionists and generally swallowed naively by most.

    Unlike the generally accepted Zionist propaganda, in fact, the Chareidi Jews in E”Y managed just fine until the Zionists came and set aflame the region (and beyond). Now that the Zionists made their mess AGAINST the interests of the chareidim (and Jews worldwide), it is an even greater chutzpah of the Zionists that they harass these chareidim and try to shmad them, too. And, in case anyone is unaware, yes, the Chevron massacre was the result of (“religious”) Zionism, too.

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