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Elected Officials And Non-Profit Orgs Awarded At JCCRP Breakfast Marking Sandy Anniversary

pesach osina

[VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] This past Sunday, October 27th, 2013, the Jewish Community Council of the Rockaway Peninsula (JCCRP) held a Legislative Breakfast honoring government officials, community leaders, and “Heroes of Hurricane Sandy.” The event took place in The White Shul Ballroom on the one year anniversary of Sandy and was intended to show deep Hakaras HaTov (gratitude) to the well-deserving honorees.

At the breakfast, Manhattan Borough President and candidate for NYC Comptroller, Scott Stringer, and State Senator James Sanders, Jr. awarded City Councilman Donovan Richards the ‘City Legislative Leadership Award’ for his work during the hurricane and for his devotion in assisting the community since elected to the City Council. Councilman Richards helped bring hundreds of thousands of dollars to the JCCRP in Red Cross funding to assist hurricane victims in our community.

“The more united we are, in Government, in non-profits and there on to everyday people, the more successful will the Rockaways be,” said Councilman Richards.

Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder was presented with the State Legislative Leadership Award by Democratic Nominee for Queens Borough President, Melinda Katz. Assemblyman Goldfeder worked hard during the storm and during its aftermath, proudly representing his constituents to city and state agencies, making sure the community received all the funding and support they needed.

“It’s really great to get these awards, it’s fantastic. But that’s my job. You know who really deserves this award? It’s the people you don’t see. It’s the people that don’t normally get their pictures in the paper,” said Assemblyman Goldfeder. “I just want to say, nothing in this neighborhood would be as great as it is today if not for the great Pesach Osina,” who was awarded with the Public Service Award.

In addition to that esteemed award, Congressman Gregory Meeks presented Mr. Osina with a personal Congressional Award. Osina served as a liaison to LIPA for our community during the storm.

Roberta Leiner, Senior Vice President, Agency Relations of the UJA-Federation of New York, accepted the Hakaras HaTov Award from the Chairman of the Board of the JCCRP, Richard Altabe, on behalf of the UJA. The UJA provided tuition relief, support to Yeshiva educators, funds to several local shuls for repairs, and funding to the Met Council to process over 350 cash grants to homeowners in need. Overall, UJA awarded the Rockaway community with well over a million dollars in funding.

Richard Altabe also presented the next award, this time to Peter Brest, COO of Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty (Met Council). Met Council did numerous acts of kindness for our community, including: $100,000 in emergency food assistance, Metro Pair to rebuild homes and they secured a team of security professionals to patrol the neighborhood during the first Shabbos of the blackout. David Frankel, CEO of Met Council spoke briefly, addressing the necessary presence of the JCCRP and the good work it provides for the community.

Watch video of the event in full:

Next a video presentation of the work JCCRP had done was played. The video portrayed the irreplaceable work the JCCRP does for those in any kind of need in the community and that the JCCRP acts as a one-stop-shop for community resources.

JCCRP from Vision & Hart on Vimeo.

Following the video presentation, Jonathan Dembitzer, Vice President of the Board of the JCCRP and Police Liaison presented Deputy Inspector Kevin Maloney with the Humanitarian Award. Dembitzer wholeheartedly expressed the community’s gratitude toward the Deputy Inspector and his team for the protection and service that they provide our community.

State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. was the first to present awards to the second set of honorable awardees: the Heroes of Hurricane Sandy. The first of the awardees was Sh’or Yoshuv who graciously opened up its doors to families in the community during the storm. Senator Addabbo described how the Yeshiva turned into a safe haven for families in need: providing three hot meals a day, drop-off laundry service, and free supplies for those who were affected. Senator Addabbo presented Congregation Kneseth Israel / The White Shul with a “Heroes of Hurricane Sandy” Award. Rabbi Feiner and Chaim Leibtag of The White Shul opened up their doors to the community throughout Hurricane Sandy, feeding hundreds of families, as well as providing temporary office space for Dr. Lightman and the JCCRP. Lastly, Senator Addabbo honored The Young Israel of Wavecrest & Bayswater (YIWB). YIWB was a light to our community, servicing anyone who came to them throughout the turbulent time of Sandy.

Nathan Krasnovsky presented the next award to Project Nivneh. Project Nivneh was spearheaded by community members to help rebuild homes that were damaged and destroyed by the storm. Project Ninveh was founded by Ettie Schoor but she refused to accept the award until all of the hard working members of her team stood up and accepted alongside her. Mordechai Dicker, Board President of the JCCRP presented Achiezer and Rabbi Boruch Ber Bender with their award. Achiezer was instrumental in coordinating the Sh’or Yoshuv relief site as well as directing the flow of emergency relief communication to the entire community. Mr. Dicker gave Hatzalah the next award, thanking them for their unending dedication to the community and for their consistency and dependability. Lastly, Dicker awarded Rockaway Citizens Safety Patrol (RCSP). The unrelenting RCSP, working in tandem with our outstanding local police officers ensured our safety during the storm’s aftermath, keeping our families and homes safe.

The final award was given to COJO of Flatbush, Ohel, Red Cross, and the Sanitation Department. COJO of Flatbush was honored for the amazing assistance they provided to the community in the immediate aftermath of the storm and for months thereafter. Ohel was next to receive their award as they have been an invaluable resource to the community for years and their team of highly trained mental health professionals have been instrumental in providing mental health assistance from the second the storm hit. Josh Lockwood of the Red Cross accepted the award, remarking about the incredible work of the JCCRP and noting his genuine interest in assisting agencies like ours, who make a difference in the community.

Saving the best for last, Mr. Adelman awarded the Sanitation Department, with their well deserved award. The award recipient Deputy Chief Moss gave a heartfelt acknowledgement of the appreciation he received at the Legislative Breakfast. He mentioned the tireless work his team put into cleaning up our city throughout the night, ensuring that we would get back on our feet as soon as possible. He thanked everyone at the event who expressed their gratitude to him, mentioning that it was a kindness he was surprised to receive and that it could go a very long way to appreciate and thank your local sanitation workers for all the hard work they gave to us in the aftermath of the storm.

In a press release following the Legislative Breakfast, the JCCRP stated the amazing feedback they have received.

City Councilman Richards said “it was the best JCCRP breakfast ever.” Dr. Eli Shapiro declared that the JCCRP is “back and better than ever.” Josh Lockwood, CEO of Red Cross said he was “humbled by the recognition of the JCCRP.” Assemblyman Goldfeder said it was an amazing job and a very successful event.” Chaim Leibtag and Rav Feiner said it was a “big Kiddush HaShem.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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