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Senior Nazi Murderer Reportedly Buried in Jewish Cemetery

muellerA senior Nazi official who was involved in the Holocaust and extermination of Jews is reportedly buried in a Jewish cemetery in Berlin. According to ‘Der Spiegel’, citing a report in Bild, the Gestapo chief, Heinrich Muller, has been buried in a cemetery in the Mitte district of Berlin since the end of World War Two.

The infamous Adolf Eichmann, who was captured in Argentina in 1960 and taken to Israel to stand trial, apprantly told his interrogators that he believed Muller was still alive. But according to the German Daily, the head of the Memorial to the German Resistance, Johannes Tuchel, said that Muller died during the war. “His body was interred in a mass grave in 1945 at the Jewish cemetery in Berlin-Mitte,” Tuchel told the Bild.

Tuchel produced a document, reprinted by the Bild newspaper, dated March 31, 1948, from the Berlin Register Office Centre which states: ‘He fell in the Reich Chancellery, is buried in the Jewish Cemetery.’

Tuchel added that Muller’s body was actually found in August 1945 by Allied forces in a makeshift grave near the Third Reich’s Ministry of Aviation and identified by his service ID, among other things. A gravedigger called Walter Lueders said: ‘I compared this photo with the face of the corpse. I can say that the person shown on the photo was identical to the body.’

Dieter Grauman, chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said he’s outraged by the possibility of a Nazi war criminal being buried in a Jewish Cemetery. “The fact that one of the most brutal Nazi sadists is buried in a Jewish cemetery of all places is a distasteful monstrosity,” he told Bild. “The memories of the victims are being grossly violated here.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. On the one hand, we do not bury gentiles with Jews and certainly we do not bury Reshaim with Tzaddikim.

    On the other hand, just think about the interesting Hashgachah that brought this about. HaShem engineered that this terrible Rasha who hated Jews all his life has had to spend almost 80 years, after death, surrounded by the souls of only Jews. Aside from the terrible loneliness that he has endured, he must bear the terrible shame and abuse they must subject him to all day without letup, aside from the fiery torments that he undergoes otherwise. And then when the souls leave their graves from time to time to pray for the living (as is documented in many holy sources) he has to stay behind alone.

    While it is clear that his proximity to the Jews is not to their benefit and we cannot fathom why they are made to suffer in this manner, I am sure that his experience in this arrangement is no picnic.

  2. i can’t tell you how much it irks me that it’s apparently perfectly kosher to gaze on the handsome face of this monster yemach shemo. if you won’t show pics of perfectly tznius, refined, holy jewish women, at least refrain from showing us nazis.

  3. Amen, big momma. It drives me crazy too. Nazi murderers, yemach shemam – all kosher veyosher. A woman dressed betznius, or a six year old girl – treif possul.

  4. Anyone else have an issue with the use of the word cemetery? it makes it seem like he got another plot. These Jews weren’t buried in a cemetery, they were dumped in a mass grave.

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