“Brilliant Beyond Compare” Rav Shlomo Miller, Julius Berman and others on Moshe Reichmann

UntitledIn an exclusive interview with Ami Magazine, the rosh kollel of kollelim in Toronto and Lakewood, Rav Shlomo Miller, described the greatness of famed philanthropist Reb Moshe Reichmann, z”l, who passed away last Friday. “He wasn’t a gavra rabba because he gave tzedakah,” Rav Miller told Ami’s Rabbi Yitzchok Frankfurter. “He gave tzedakah because he was a gavra rabba.” Julius Berman, the chairman of the Claims Conference who worked as chief counsel to Olympia & York described Mr. Reichmann as “brilliant beyond compare.” These interviews, as well as interviews with Moshe Reichmann’s gabbai tzedakah, Reb Yosef Weber; his biographer Anthony Bianco; and friends and relatives are in this week’s Ami Magazine.


(AMI Newsroom)

One Response

  1. A Rav once said that if all frum g’virim gave their fare share, there would be no tuition or financial crisis concerning yeshivas.

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