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Threats Against the Owner of Jerusalem’s Gutnick Hall

arsonWhen residents of Jerusalem’s Sorotzkin Street heard an explosion close to midnight the eve of 26 Cheshvan 5774, they did not expect to see a car ablaze. The vehicle belonging to the manager of the Gutnick Hall in Givat Shaul was targeted in an arson attack. The fire department response was immediate but the Ford sedan was destroyed.

An inspection of the scene and the vehicle following the blaze permitted fire experts to determine without a doubt that the blaze was set intentionally. The owner, a partner in the Gutnick Hall on Dfus Street was instructed by the fire officer on the scene to file with police based on his findings.

This was not the first incident in the family for a day earlier a vehicle belonging to the victim’s son-in-law, a resident of Ramat Shlomo, was set ablaze. Police are connecting the events, adding about two months ago the son-in-law received a threatening letter in the mail which contained a bullet.

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmulik Ben-Ruby confirms the investigation is continuing. Information as to why the two might have been targeted is not being released by police or the family.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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