MOVING FOOTAGE: 100 Chareidi Soldiers Sing To Family Of 6-Yr.-Old Rocket Victim

Over a hundred soldiers from the Chareidi unit in the Home Front Command on Thursday were mechazeik the family of six-year-old Ido Avigal, z’tl, who was killed by a rocket attack during Operation Guardian of the Walls.

The soldiers were in the area as part of an all-day seminar held in Israel’s south. When they passed through Sderot, they stopped under Ido’s home, learned mishnayis l’illui nishmaso, recited Kaddish and sang songs of emunah

Ido was killed when a piece of rocket shrapnel penetrated the window of the sealed room of his home in Sderot.

His mother, 7-year-old sister, and five members of his extended family were also injured in the attack, including a six-year-old cousin.

Ido’s father Asaf tearfully said at the levaya: “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry the shrapnel hit you instead of me.”

Asaf continued by saying that just several days earlier, Ido has asked him what would happen if a siren goes off when they’re outside. “I answered: ‘Ido, as long as you’re with me, you’re protected.’ I lied.”

Ido’s mother, Shani, said from the hospital: “My son absorbed the hit for all of us. We were together in the room, I, my sister, my sister-in-law, my nephew – everyone was in the room. My nephew is undergoing surgery. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a neis I’m still alive.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Sad but moving video
    If only there were more frum young men like this then the Liebermans of the world probably would not hate us so much

  2. Aside from the chessed these guys did, our goal shouldn’t be placating the Liebermans of the world. They are implacable. If if it’s not this complaint, they’ll always find something else that is wrong with the Chareidim. Our goal is to find favor be’eynei Hashem.

  3. On the contrary, the more kippa-wearers are in the army the more the left and the atheists will hate us, because they’re afraid that we’ll take power. For the last decade or more the left has been worried about how many officers are wearing kippot. Remember when Effi Eitam couldn’t be promoted any higher than he was because he wore a kippa and the left couldn’t have such a person at the top.

  4. 1818 what’s wrong with the Tayara yngeleit that frequent ever kollel why must they be dressed in those green begadim to gain your and the haters respect

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