Senior Chabad Rav To Yamina: “This Step Will Cause A Weeping For Generations”

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yehudah Yaroslavsky (Photo: Michoel Ganzman, Shavuon K'far Chabad)

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yehudah Yaroslavsky, the Av Beis Din of the Chabad Beis Din and the most senior Chabad Rav in Israel, sent a letter on Thursday to the members of Yamina urging them to back out of their plan to form a unity government with left-wing parties.

The letter was a deviation from the usual practice of Chabad Rabbanim not to get involved in politics, according to the instructions of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

“I’m turning to you, unlike my usual habit, at mamash the last moment and in the lashon of the passuk (Parshas Korach 16: 26): ‘Please turn away from the tents of these reshaim and don’t touch anything of theirs lest you die because of their sins,'” HaRav Yaroslavsky wrote.

“This step is a great sakana to Klal Yisrael in all aspects and will be a bechiya l’doros and it won’t be possible to stop the deterioration of this decision after, chalilah, the government is sworn-in.”

“Anyone who thwarts this plan is assured that he’ll be zocheh to grow higher and higher in all respects and withstanding this nisayon will bring infinite brachos to each one of you and your families. And Adaraba, Am Yisrael will repay you with abundant goodness and you will be engraved with golden letters in the history of Am Yisrael as ones who withstood this nisayon at a difficult time and brought about yeshua to Am Yisrael.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. “The letter was a deviation from the usual practice of Chabad Rabbanim not to get involved in politics, according to the instructions of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.”

    …and “not one inch” was apolitical?

    Aside from this, well done!!

  2. The “Reshaim” on the left, the ones who from the beginning did, and still do the vast majority of the fighting and dying in order to create and safeguard the State of Israel are no longer worthy of being in the government of Israel? The “Reshaim” on the left whose hard earned taxes pay for the chachamim on the right to sit and learn “for a living” are to be shunned? “Weeping for generations”? As a proud member of the Jewish left, I can say that we are confused and disheartened by your distain for the majority of Am Yisroel.

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